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WP Media Folder changelog

Last update : 13 Sep 2024
Compatible with the latest Wordpress version and Stable release: 6.6

Version 5.9.5

  • Fix Upload image error at the 'Add new media' page

Version 5.9.4

  • Add Remote video: support for Kaltura videos
  • Add Folder selection when no folder tree
  • Add Set the default icon folder color on the color picker

Version 5.9.3

  • Fix The Screen Options dropdown menu on the admin screen is not working

Version 5.9.2

  • Fix Error when saving post with some post type

Version 5.9.1

  • Fix Error with some custom post type.

Version 5.9.0

  • Add Possibility to organize posts with folders (activated by default)
  • Add Possibility to organize pages with folders (not enabled by default)
  • Add Possibility to organize custom post with folders (not enabled by default)

Version 5.8.9

  • Fix Drop and drag issue on Chrome browser (v127)

Version 5.8.8

  • Fix WPMF gallery widget issue in Divi theme

Version 5.8.7

  • Fix Error in the block editor

Version 5.8.6

  • Fix Update library for pdf.js
  • Fix WPMF gallery widget in Elementor

Version 5.8.5

  • Add Support AVIF images

Version 5.8.4

  • Add Support align full option for the WP Media Folder gallery Gutenberg block
  • Fix Upload folder to cloud
  • Fix Filter media by trash
  • Fix JQuery select2 conflict
  • Fix Support {parent_folder} tag when rename file

Version 5.8.3

  • Fix Gallery option in Divi builder
  • Fix Lazyload gallery image does not work with WP Rocket
  • Fix Rename file with timestamp option

Version 5.8.2

  • Fix Upload folder to Amazon S3
  • Fix Folder permissions when using media access by user

Version 5.8.1

  • Fix Export & import media folder
  • Fix Custom link and target of image in WP Media Folder gallery
  • Fix Duplicate image when use sync server folder

Version 5.8.0

  • Add Default featured image option for new post

Version 5.7.4

  • Fix Export selection folder and media
  • Fix Override file when upload file (use physical folder)

Version 5.7.3

  • Fix Security: added current_user_can() to some functions to check authorization

Version 5.7.2

  • Fix Media library doesn't show images in some cases

Version 5.7.1

  • Fix Some image type not show after filter

Version 5.7.0

  • Add Possibility to select several filter at a time.
  • Add Display the applied filters
  • Add Enhance user interface of filter system

Version 5.6.4

  • Fix File count on folder tree after create remote video and duplicate file
  • Fix Download single Google Sheet file

Version 5.6.3

  • Add Import media and folders from HappyFiles plugin

Version 5.6.2

  • Add Pdf embed in Gutenberg editor improvement
  • Add Aspect ratio option in gallery default, slider, portfolio theme
  • Add Remote video improvement with new video format

Version 5.6.1

  • Fix Gallery lightbox conflict with lightbox of Enfold theme
  • Fix Gallery masonry conflict with Divi modal & Smush lazyload
  • Fix Error PHP when sync server folder

Version 5.6.0

  • Add Download a folder in the media library using right click
  • Add Folder bulk selet and remove in folder tree
  • Add New uploader styling and notifications
  • Add Media download button in block editor improvement
  • Fix Single file download style
  • Fix Update new placeholder image for page builder and classic editor
  • Fix Gallery masonry column on mobile

Version 5.5.13

  • Fix Missing accented characters in title when adding remote video
  • Fix Load gallery in divi tabs

Version 5.5.12

  • Add Compatibility with WP Media Folder cloud addon version 3.7 - NextCloud integration
  • Fix Duplicate queue
  • Fix Sync from media library to FTP

Version 5.5.11

  • Fix Server folder sync: remove a file from the web server folder when it's deleted from the media library
  • Fix Support all file types in the media download module of Divi builder
  • Fix Render thumbnail on import and sync
  • Fix Display gallery video

Version 5.5.10

  • Fix Media access issue
  • Fix Vertical scrollbar in folder tree

Version 5.5.9

  • Fix Support all file types in File Design feature

Version 5.5.8

  • Add Support WP Media Folder gallery addon v2.5

Version 5.5.7

  • Fix Media access with multiple user roles
  • Fix Some PHP warnings

Version 5.5.6

  • Fix Gallery lightbox

Version 5.5.5

  • Fix Show image on gallery with WPML
  • Fix Adding a remote video in post/page
  • Fix Missing replace button when open image from media library in list view
  • Fix Gallery video lightbox

Version 5.5.4

  • Fix Folder permissions
  • Fix Compatible with Elementor latest
  • Fix Counter in gallery lightbox

Version 5.5.3

  • Fix Auto update plugin

Version 5.5.2

  • Fix Auto update plugin
  • Fix Conflict style witn Easy Digital Downloads plugin
  • Fix Gallery image not showing when enable media access and logged with custom user role

Version 5.5.1

  • Fix Gallery preview does not work on Divi builder
  • Fix PHP fatal error at install wizard in some cases

Version 5.5.0

  • Add Possibility to upload a folder on media library
  • Add Import media and folders from WP Real media library, Filebird, Folders, Media library plus plugin
  • Fix Wrong video title when adding a remote Youtube video
  • Fix Load gallery on Elementor tab
  • Fix Preview image on Media Library modal view
  • Fix Counter on gallery slider lightbox

Version 5.4.8

  • Add Compatibility with WP Media Folder cloud addon version 3.6.2 - Google Cloud integration
  • Fix List users on folder permission settings
  • Fix Conflict with Forminator plugin

Version 5.4.7

  • Add Inherit option in the folder permissions settings
  • Fix Open gallery in accordion on panel

Version 5.4.6

  • Add Compatibility with WP Media Folder cloud addon version 3.6.1 - Linode integration
  • Fix Divi builder module warning on PHP 8

Version 5.4.5

  • Add Compatibility with WP Media Folder cloud addon version 3.6

Version 5.4.4

  • Fix Gallery lightbox conflict with Elementor
  • Fix Conflict Select2 jQuery
  • Fix PDF embed height on Divi & Bakery builder
  • Fix Image hover preview position

Version 5.4.3

  • Fix Image hover preview position on media library grid view
  • Fix WP Media Folder not work in MailPoet field
  • Fix Upload remote Vimeo video
  • Fix Gallery lightbox

Version 5.4.2

  • Fix Select2 jQuery error js

Version 5.4.1

  • Fix PHP error on frontend in some case

Version 5.4.0

  • Add Folder access limitation by user: view and make action on it (view, add media, remove media, move media)
  • Add Folder access limitation by user role: view and make action on it (view, add media, remove media, move media)
  • Fix Missing alt tag for images in slider gallery

Version 5.3.26

  • Fix Save Dropbox settings

Version 5.3.25

  • Add Support {folderslug} pattern for media rename

Version 5.3.24

  • Add Hook to enable download button on gallery image
  • Fix Scroll folder tree not show in firefox on Mac
  • Fix Right to left style
  • Fix Adding new media in media-new.php page

Version 5.3.23

  • Fix Sync server folder
  • Fix Gallery Youtube lightbox

Version 5.3.22

  • Add Generate thumbnail option for cloud image
  • Add Improve NextGEN galleries importer
  • Fix Custom order file not work when Smush plugin active
  • Fix Load slider theme
  • Fix Gallery settings tooltip
  • Fix Add loader for cloud image
  • Fix Slow site when have many galleries on builder
  • Fix Watermark render

Version 5.3.21

  • Fix Amazon S3 tooltip info don't show on Media Library
  • Fix Embed pdf from cloud
  • Fix Import FTP with Japanese language
  • Fix Open PDF from gallery

Version 5.3.20

  • Fix PHP warnings on WordPress 5.8
  • Fix Missing translation strings

Version 5.3.19

  • Fix Conflict with WPBakery Page Builder on WordPress 5.8
  • Fix Breadcrumb hidden on popup view
  • Fix Duplicate root folder when enable media access
  • Fix Clear filter on media library
  • Fix filter not keep on media library
  • Fix Watermark not appy on upload new image

Version 5.3.18

  • Fix PHP fatal error on Wordpress multisite

Version 5.3.17

  • Fix Translation not work when setup language by user profile
  • Fix Move the files on mobile

Version 5.3.16

  • Fix Remove some jQuery deprecated functions
  • Fix PHP error on Avada builder
  • Fix Export folder
  • Fix Add remote video from Vimeo, Dailymotion
  • Fix Include images from subfolder in Bakery builder gallery

Version 5.3.15

  • Fix Gallery lightbox on default theme
  • Fix Gallery display on Elementor

Version 5.3.14

  • Fix Load gallery on Betheme
  • Fix Upload svg file

Version 5.3.13

  • Fix Error 'String empty' when sharing translation in some cases

Version 5.3.12

  • Fix Update requirements

Version 5.3.11

  • Add Update to using global background tasks manager

Version 5.3.10

  • Fix Fatal PHP error: Class 'WpmfAvadaGalleryClass' not found

Version 5.3.9

  • Add WP Media Folder gallery module for Avada page builder
  • Add WP Media Folder media download module for Avada page builder
  • Add WP Media Folder PDF embed module for Avada page builder
  • Fix Remote Vimeo video
  • Fix Gallery slider style conflict

Version 5.3.8

  • Add WP Media Folder gallery module for WPBakery page builder
  • Add WP Media Folder media download module for WPBakery page builder
  • Add WP Media Folder PDF embed module for WPBakery page builder

Version 5.3.7

  • Add WP Media Folder gallery module for Divi page builder
  • Add WP Media Folder media download module for Divi page builder
  • Add WP Media Folder PDF embed module for Divi page builder
  • Add Single media download options: border, icon, margin, padding
  • Fix Get count the files of a folder

Version 5.3.6

  • Fix Conflict css with PDF Embeder plugin
  • Fix Hide clear queue, stop queue button if not queue running

Version 5.3.5

  • Fix Infinite looping of admin-ajax.php calls
  • Fix Move existing physical media on large site

Version 5.3.4

  • Add Compatibility with automatic cloud connection

Version 5.3.3

  • Fix Sync and import wrong folder name
  • Fix Missing message on queue listing

Version 5.3.2

  • Add WP Media Folder gallery widget for Elementor page builder
  • Add WP Media Folder file download widget for Elementor page builder
  • Add WP Media Folder PDF embed widget for Elementor page builder
  • Add Add copyright character to settings of rename file
  • Fix Search folders
  • Fix Gallery custom link click open two tabs

Version 5.3.1

  • Fix Disable option status menu bar by default

Version 5.3.0

  • Add Physical folders: transform WordPress media folders into real folders
  • Add Physical folders: allow filename edition of WordPress media
  • Add Background file synchronizer for physical media and folders
  • Add Background file synchronizer for cloud files (Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive)
  • Add Implement server folder synchronization feature in background task
  • Add Implement server folder import feature in background task
  • Add Setup background file synchronizer priority to save resources
  • Add Option to display file synchronization queue in the Wordpress top bar

Version 5.2.5

  • Add Option to download media from the media manager using a right click
  • Add Gallery from folder compatibility with with Gutenberg tabs block
  • Add Gallery from folder compatibility with with Gutenberg Ultimate Blocks
  • Add Gallery from folder compatibility with with Gutenberg Kadence Blocks
  • Fix Export media folders to local drive
  • Fix Settings help tooltips not shown on mouse hover
  • Fix Enbed in your content a PDF from Dropbox

Version 5.2.4

  • Fix JoomUnited Updater compatible with WordPress 5.5

Version 5.2.3

  • Fix Right click on media and folder not work when use Elementor
  • Fix Open Youtube video on gallery lightbox

Version 5.2.2

  • Add Detect and reload the media manager to detect changes in DIVI modules
  • Add Detect and reload the media manager to detect changes in Elementor content elements
  • Fix Move file in list view

Version 5.2.1

  • Fix Gallery order not correct
  • Fix Unable to access the dashboard of WP multisite
  • Fix Open context menu on bottom folder
  • Fix Wrong media count in folder after using media selection folders

Version 5.2.0

  • Add New UX design
  • Add Import categories from Enhanced Media Library plugin
  • Add Option to enable or disable folders on right part
  • Add Filter button to show the files in a folder and its subfolder
  • Add Remove classic design theme
  • Add Quick button to display all files without subfolders
  • Add Improve media sort and filtering
  • Add Option to search media in its folder and subfolders

Version 5.1.4

  • Fix Change default filter to date on Media library
  • Fix Conflict with FlexSlider gallery of Elementor

Version 5.1.3

  • Add Add include children option in gallery from folder shortcode
  • Add Upload single file and multiple files from media library to s3
  • Fix Hide environment notification when user click dismiss
  • Fix Check load pdf embed with elementor
  • Fix Open lightbox on click cloud image gallery

Version 5.1.2

  • Fix Display both title and caption of image on portfolio and slider gallery
  • Fix PDF embed not working on elementor builder
  • Fix Add remote private vimeo video

Version 5.1.1

  • Add Add an option to search media in a folder and its subfolders
  • Fix Frontend css not loaded correctly on plugin activation

Version 5.1.0

  • Add Import Export WordPress Media library with media
  • Add Import Export WordPress Media folder structure only
  • Add Import Export WordPress Media folder selection
  • Add Import IPTC/metadata on upload, import and synchronization
  • Add Add a filter to display all media from the media library
  • Add Create a helper.php for developers and webdesigners
  • Fix Saved into a cookie to display the same filters if the page is reloaded
  • Fix Load gallery slider one column on front end
  • Fix Load PDF embed

Version 5.0.1

  • Add PDF embed without the pagination
  • Add Possibility to connect Google shared drive using a G Suite account

Version 5.0.0

  • Add Server folder synchonization: run syncho on file update
  • Add Server folder synchonization filter by file type
  • Add Watermark margin unit can be dined in px or %
  • Add Watermark image opacity option
  • Add Watermark image margin option
  • Add Gutenberg block preview images
  • Fix File importer window style
  • Fix PDF embed not loaded properly using the classic editor

Version 4.9.10

  • Add Google Photos settings ready (related to plugin Addon)
  • Fix Change style of media tree selection

Version 4.9.9

  • Fix Translation sharing issue in some browsers

Version 4.9.8

  • Fix Import server folder
  • Fix WordPress gallery slider lightbox display
  • Fix Edit inline CSS for WordPress gallery styling

Version 4.9.7

  • Fix Import server folder: file not created
  • Fix Get media count in folders with WPML plugin
  • Fix Load gallery when switch tabs and slider style

Version 4.9.6

  • Fix Remote video cannot be fetched
  • Fix Masonry gallery not working with WP smush lazyloading

Version 4.9.5

  • Fix Auto play on gallery slider theme
  • Fix Style on for WordPress RC 5.3
  • Fix Import media feature: size & filetype
  • Fix Import server folder speed

Version 4.9.4

  • Fix Gallery style
  • Fix Reload attachments after upload
  • Fix Resize folder tree

Version 4.9.3

  • Fix Responsive behaviour for WorDPress default gallery style
  • Fix FTP synchronization and server media import
  • Fix Folder cover not applied on folders

Version 4.9.2

  • Fix Default gallery settings not applied automatically on creation
  • Fix Custom link on image gallery
  • Fix Preview portfolio theme in backend is missing some margin

Version 4.9.1

  • Fix Php warning on customize.php page
  • Fix Add custom link option for gallery in classic editor

Version 4.9.0

  • Add Display and copy folder ID with a right click (to call a gallery)
  • Add New gallery block option: border, radius, margin, shadow
  • Add Create a gallery from folder in Gutenberg
  • Add Gallery shortcode generator to include Wordpress gallery everywhere
  • Fix Replace file

Version 4.8.10

  • Fix Gallery lightbox is missing title
  • Fix Synchronization with server folder

Version 4.8.9

  • Fix Load popup corresponding to picture on portfolio
  • Fix Better way to click on slider arrow gallery theme

Version 4.8.8

  • Add Gallery navigation load video and plays it
  • Add Load video thumbnail sizes and include srcset in galleries
  • Fix Get media file type
  • Fix Warning php in subpage of upload.php page
  • Fix Import FTP and server folder sync

Version 4.8.7

  • Add Automatic synchronization for cloud media
  • Fix Change background color for OneDrive folder

Version 4.8.6

  • Fix Wrong folder structure when using WPML plugin
  • Fix Sync from FTP to WordPress media
  • Fix Replace png image with transparent background
  • Fix Get count file with WPML plugin

Version 4.8.5

  • Fix Jutranslation url

Version 4.8.4

  • Fix JU Updater process
  • Fix Watermark makes a black background instead of transparent
  • Fix Quality on .png image replace feature
  • Fix Get count attachment in folder and exclude trash attachment

Version 4.8.3

  • Fix Only load juupdater from admin
  • Fix Conflict between sync S3 and regenerate thumbnail
  • Fix Lightbox not working on slider theme

Version 4.8.2

  • Fix No gallery options
  • Fix Wrong file quality used after replacing file

Version 4.8.1

  • Fix Enhance requirements tests
  • Fix Can't edit gallery with elementor plugin

Version 4.8.0

  • Add Implement OneDrive Business connection settings with link types
  • Add Replace Gutenberg cloud blocks by native media library integration
  • Add Integrate Google Drive media in WordPress media library folder tree
  • Add Integrate Dropbox media in WordPress media library folder tree
  • Add Integrate OneDrive & OneDrive Business media in WordPress media library folder tree
  • Add Run full synchronization on right click
  • Add Remove data option when uninstall the plugin
  • Fix Get count file in folder with WPML plugin
  • Fix Conflict with prettyPhoto plugin

Version 4.7.12

  • Fix PDF embed that contains hyperlink
  • Fix Remove preview image when reload attachment
  • Fix Replace PNG image
  • Fix Remove watermark from images

Version 4.7.11

  • Fix Check version requirements

Version 4.7.10

  • Fix Save plugin settings
  • Fix Load gallery on frontend
  • Fix Gallery slider auto play feature
  • Fix Watermark does not apply on original size images
  • Fix Snackbar always displayed when deleting a folder with its media

Version 4.7.9

  • Fix Security patch for file replace feature

Version 4.7.8

  • Fix Autoplay slider gallery theme
  • Fix Add media folder block category
  • Fix Remove folder along with its media

Version 4.7.7

  • Add Addon, Amazon S3 support: copy and load media from Amazon S3
  • Add Addon, Offload your media on Amazon S3
  • Add Addon Amazon S3: automatic and manual synchronization
  • Add Addon, retrieve media links and files from Amazon S3
  • Add Addon, create and manage S3 buckets

Version 4.7.6

  • Add Embed PDF Gutenberg block
  • Add Embed file with button style in Gutenberg
  • Fix Save filters to cookie to reload filters among navigation

Version 4.7.5

  • Fix WPMF Addon requirement version

Version 4.7.4

  • Add WordPress gallery Gutenberg block
  • Add WordPress gallery Addon Gutenberg block
  • Add Possibility to edit galleries from Gutenberg
  • Add Add images transition on lightbox
  • Add Use masonry to display gallery on Gutenberg admin side

Version 4.7.3

  • Add Requirement to check if the addon version fit the main plugin version
  • Add Option to display caption on lightbox
  • Fix JUUpdater login enhancement

Version 4.7.2

  • Fix Gallery image size loaded is not correct
  • Fix Replace PDF file by an image thumbnail

Version 4.7.1

  • Fix Conflict with editor style
  • Fix Upload a remote Youtube video
  • Fix Date filter not displayed on ImageRecycle page
  • Fix Update lightbox size of single image
  • Fix Conflict with the Jetpack image lazy loading

Version 4.7.0

  • Add New settings UX and design
  • Add Possibility to search in plugin menus and settings
  • Add Plugin installer with quick configuration
  • Add Environment checker on install (PHP Version, PHP Extensions, Apache Modules)
  • Add System Check menu to notify of server configuration problems after install
  • Add Server testing before plugin activation to avoid all fatal errors

Version 4.6.0

  • Add Exclude some folder from the Watermark process
  • Add Compatibility with Gutenberg editor
  • Fix Import FTP & sync media

Version 4.5.9

  • Fix Delete folder
  • Fix Import Nextgen gallery
  • Fix Save theme and plugin file
  • Fix Import category button

Version 4.5.8

  • Add Add actions and filters for developers

Version 4.5.7

  • Fix Deleting folder with its media
  • Fix Duplicate attachment
  • Fix Load google font on IE browser

Version 4.5.6

  • Fix Move media with WPML plugin (compatibility)
  • Fix Upload the files when enable media access by user
  • Fix Login to JUupdater for plugin update

Version 4.5.5

  • Fix Duplicate file when import and sync

Version 4.5.4

  • Fix Enhance code readability and performance

Version 4.5.3

  • Add Enable/disable remote video feature
  • Add Option to enable/disable format media title
  • Add Shortcode generator for Gallery Addon: Load images by gallery, tag and all options
  • Fix Remove a folder with its media
  • Fix Count files in folder tree

Version 4.5.2

  • Fix Notification display success on video upload
  • Fix Display .svg file in content
  • Fix Conflict with elementor, clientside plugin
  • Fix Preview image when uploading

Version 4.5.1

  • Fix Sync from FTP to media library
  • Fix Remove the right click edit button on the popup view
  • Fix Compability with WPML plugin
  • Fix Folder not displayed after reload attachment in modal view
  • Fix Change lists plugin updater

Version 4.5.0

  • Add Handle animated GIF in the media manager with option to load it in content
  • Add Vimeo video and Dailymotion video support in the media manager
  • Add Display the folder name on the upload view
  • Add Regenerate images thumbnail from the latest uploaded
  • Add Watermark: Image scaling and image margins
  • Fix Gallery conflict with lazy loading of WP Speed of Light plugin
  • Fix Conflict: Saving PHP file themes not working

Version 4.4.3

  • Fix Conflict with WP Smush, Enhanced Media Library plugin
  • Fix Create gallery from folder
  • Fix Filters hidden

Version 4.4.2

  • Add Settings for the new gallery plugin ADDON
  • Add Reload button to handle some page builder content refresh
  • Fix Open context menu when attachment is empty
  • Fix Drag media to folder tree in list view

Version 4.4.1

  • Fix Media window is not loaded (modal)
  • Fix Align controls in settings, improve layout in settings
  • Fix Change settings text, add help text

Version 4.4.0

  • Add New admin design, Google Drive grid like
  • Add Implement right click manu and actions for folders and media
  • Add Store Open/Close folder status (folder tree)
  • Add Search bar on top of the folder tree to filter folder only
  • Add Custom ordering inplementation for folders and media (global, not by user)
  • Add Fallback to legacy design accessible though a new setting
  • Add Move folders from folder tree
  • Add Rename folders from folder tree (double click)

Version 4.3.6

  • Fix rename file when upload
  • Fix import & sync
  • Fix move file

Version 4.3.5

  • Fix Replace file failed in some case
  • Fix Conflict with Envira Gallery, Easing Slider plugins
  • Fix Sort image with auto update gallery

Version 4.3.4

  • Fix Auto update image to gallery
  • Fix Import folders including special characters in name
  • Fix Duplicate media, replace, media folder selection button with next and prev media items

Version 4.3.3

  • Fix Apply status filter
  • Fix Conflict with post filters

Version 4.3.2

  • Fix Move multiple files in list view
  • Fix Media Folder in modal view not loaded properly
  • Fix Right to left style

Version 4.3.1

  • Fix Import and Synchronization feature folder selection
  • Fix Translation tool (JU Translation)
  • Fix Conflict with WP Smush, ImageRecycle, Master Slider plugin
  • Fix JS Error on folder tree resizing

Version 4.3.0

  • Add Full code rewriting to enhance plugin performance
  • Add Implement progressive loading in every folder from post edition media lightbox
  • Add New resizable folder tree
  • Add Rewrite media filtering system based on a dropdown lists

Version 4.2.8

  • Fix Create folder by user/role

Version 4.2.7

  • Fix Prohibit direct script loading
  • Fix Remove some unused code
  • Fix Change filename for some class file

Version 4.2.6

  • Fix WPMF gallery conflict with DIVI builder gallery
  • Fix Encoding issue when embeded a pdf

Version 4.2.5

  • Fix Overflow width in the plugin settings
  • Fix Update dimensions when replacing an image

Version 4.2.4

  • Fix Escaping of already secured datas
  • Fix Update compatibility with old addon versions

Version 4.2.3

  • Add Microsoft OneDrive settings and comaptibility (addon)
  • Fix Conflict with Enhanced Media Library plugin
  • Fix File replacement .svg and .html formats
  • Fix Upload a remote video

Version 4.2.2

  • Fix XSS issue when hover image
  • Fix Add video in lightbox
  • Fix Check user permissions for AJAX requests

Version 4.2.1

  • Fix Update the updater for WordPress 4.8

Version 4.2.0

  • Add Possibility to add a remote Youtube video among other media
  • Add Apply image watermark to the library and on media upload
  • Add Option to remove additional characters in the rename feature
  • Add User media access restriction activated: Select a media root folder

Version 4.1.4

  • Fix Upload slow down when WPML plugin is active

Version 4.1.3

  • Fix Media automatic rename
  • Fix Conflict with Enhanced Media Library plugin
  • Fix Query attachment
  • Fix Import from server folders

Version 4.1.2

  • Fix Display all files in the root folder in list view
  • Fix Error of synchronization
  • Fix Missing translation strings
  • Fix Wrong path when site install is in a subdirectory

Version 4.1.1

  • Fix Media not shown when not affected to a folder
  • Fix PHP warning in grid view

Version 4.1.0

  • Add 2 ways synchronization: From server to Media Folder and From Media Folder to server
  • Add Apply multiple folders per media
  • Add Batch apply multiple folders per media
  • Add Avanced rename on upload: remove/add special characters, control capitalization

Version 4.0.2

  • Fix Use default en_US language
  • Fix Allow saving an empty translation override file

Version 4.0.1

  • Fix Folder tree style fix whith long titles
  • Fix Hover effect with very small image height or long titles

Version 4.0.0

  • Add New material design interface
  • Add Notification system on media actions: upload, remove, rename, move, replace, apply filter
  • Add Undo last action from notification when: delete folder, edit folder, move folder, move file, filter
  • Add Load medium image size on mouse hover as an option
  • Add New media replace tool with intant refresh and thumbnail generation
  • Add Extensible folder tree using CSS
  • Add All settings now use material design

Version 3.8.7

  • Fix SVG format error on regenerate thumbnail
  • Fix Style right to left
  • Fix FTP import & sync not work when rename the wp-content folder

Version 3.8.6

  • Fix Media rename don't apply
  • Fix Replace PNG file keep transparency background
  • Fix Auto insert image in folder feature

Version 3.8.5

  • Fix SQL get count post
  • Fix Undefined function get_userdata error

Version 3.8.4

  • Fix Import meta size and file type on large image
  • Fix Some folder not displayed in tree folder
  • Fix Duplicate folder when double click on the folder tree

Version 3.8.3

  • Fix Compatibility with WordPress theme customizer
  • Fix Open PDF file new window

Version 3.8.2

  • Fix User permissions not correctly checked

Version 3.8.1

  • Add Add cloud configuration documentation link in settings
  • Fix JoomUnited updater compatible with new WordPress 4.6 shiny updates

Version 3.8.0

  • Add Embed pdf from media library option
  • Add Add settings to connect Google Drive and Dropbox (for the addon)
  • Fix Speed optimization
  • Fix Duplicate replace button when saving parameters

Version 3.7.0

  • Add ImageRecycle Image compression integration in parameters
  • Add Lightbox on single image, as an option
  • Add Display the direct number files in a folder
  • Fix Conflict with CFS image plugin (Custom Field Suite)

Version 3.6.0

  • Add Option to disable by default the JS called on frontend (for frontend page builders)
  • Add Whole code optimization regarding plugin performance
  • Add SQL query optimization regarding plugin performance
  • Add Sanitize all elements prints on frontend (XSS)
  • Add Update folder and tree design
  • Fix Drag and drop when edit multiple selection
  • Fix Button insert link not working on some specific configuration
  • Fix Masonry gallery display on small screen size
  • Fix Duplicate folder when using an access restriction by user role

Version 3.5.6

  • Fix Conflict with Autoptimize plugin
  • Fix Display folder tree in custom media frame
  • Fix Load script in page table on multiple site

Version 3.5.5

  • Fix Clean CSS & JS on frontend
  • Fix CSS layout when filter and ordering feature is disabled
  • Fix Display folder per user
  • Fix Server folder import with uppercase file extension

Version 3.5.4

  • Add Setting Animation for slider gallery
  • Fix Compatiblility with Cornerstone plugin
  • Fix Install / blank white screen

Version 3.5.3

  • Add Load jQuery on frontend to be conpatible with public side edition plugins
  • Add Compatiblity with WP Sweep plugin
  • Add Make WPMF work with all plugins that use Media Library in front-end

Version 3.5.2

  • Add Make media folder work with svg images
  • Fix Display limitation of post and folder by user role
  • Fix Remove filter wp_generate_attachment_metadata when regenerate thumbnail

Version 3.5.1

  • Fix fix FTP Import doesn't show directories

Version 3.5.0

  • Add Media access: limit access by user role (a folder per user role)
  • Add Possibility to duplicate a media
  • Add Possibility drag'n drop a media in the current folder from desktop
  • Add Possibility to replace all file types, not just images (zip, pdf...)
  • Add Compatibility/work with with ACF
  • Add Compatibility/work with Beaver builder
  • Add Compatibility/work with Site Origine page builder
  • Add Compatibility/work with Themify builder
  • Add Compatibility/work with Live composer page builder
  • Fix fix sync media and import ftp with file name has special characters
  • Fix compatibility with Beaver Builder , Live composer page builder ...
  • Fix replace other file than image

Version 3.4.2

  • Fix Fix image conflict style with YoImages plugin
  • Fix unbind click when drag folder
  • Fix update langguages

Version 3.4.1

  • Fix Fix image replacer

Version 3.4.0

  • Add Regenerate thumbnails tool in parameters
  • Add Add process bar when use FTP import, allow massive import
  • Add Sync external media
  • Add Sort images by title and date in gallery
  • Add DIVI builder compatibility
  • Fix Remove css background for image replacement

Version 3.3.6

  • Fix FTP import
  • Fix Folder stay opened when called from multiple media views

Version 3.3.5

  • Fix Update file size when file replace is complete
  • Fix Portfolio theme JS wrong calculation when resizing the screen

Version 3.3.4

  • Fix conflict with RokSprocket plugin
  • Fix conflict with WP Table Manager plugin

Version 3.3.3

  • Fix fix error when active plugin on multisite
  • Fix fix conflict with Gleam theme
  • Fix fix conflict with retina 2x plugin

Version 3.3.1

  • Fix Update filter layout to fit new WP 4.4 admin CSS
  • Fix Portfolio gallery style is not loading proper thumbnail size
  • Fix Clean CSS & JS from portfolio gallery theme
  • Fix Update Material-Design-Iconic-Font
  • Fix Use current_user_can to check user rights for importer from FTP

Version 3.3.0

  • Add Rename file on upload with a pattern
  • Add Remove a folder with all it's media inside (as an option)
  • Fix File insertion, remove file on clicking on the cross
  • Fix Gallery lightbox going to top of the screen

Version 3.2.0

  • Add Search option to search in current folder or in the whole media library
  • Add Possibility to setup an image as folder cover
  • Fix .pot laguage file for translators

Version 3.1.0

  • Fix Single file insertion design

Version 3.0.7

  • Fix AJAX automatic reload
  • Fix Get url lightbox not work
  • Fix Register taxonomy in back-end and front-end

Version 3.0.6

  • Add Include the automatic updater

Version 3.0.5

  • Add New file type in import tool
  • Add Defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || die( 'No direct script access allowed!' );
  • Fix Remove file github=checked.php
  • Fix Warning and get role
  • Fix Change general settings title

Version 3.0.4

  • Add New file type in import tool
  • Add Search attachment on all folders function
  • Fix Same variable name
  • Fix Optimize code when active plugin

Version 3.0.3

  • Fix duplicate #jao
  • Fix js conflict with wp-table-manager plugin

Version 3.0.2

  • Fix .js error when adding media into post

Version 3.0.1

  • Add WordPress 4.3 compatibility
  • Add Compatibility with plugin with WPML plugin
  • Fix Slider @ single column don't load the good image size
  • Fix Image disappear when using the bulk select
  • Fix Upload file to folder in list view
  • Fix Check page when using move_file

Version 3.0.0

  • Add Import media and folder structure from folder/sub-folder from your server
  • Add Style settings in 4 tabs
  • Fix Image size not selected properly in masonry theme
  • Fix Single Jquery load
  • Fix Style gallery conflict with WPML plugin
  • Fix Set 'wpmf-category' is default

Version 2.4.1

  • Fix Error script and performance
  • Fix Auto insert gallery from folder
  • Fix Update title when replace image
  • Fix Auto insert gallery from folder
  • Fix Style in screen ipad
  • Fix Import nextgen gallery

Version 2.4.0

  • Add Possibility to override a media with another one (replace media)
  • Fix Move a parent folder into one of its subfolders
  • Fix Change name $_SESSION['child'] to $_SESSION['wpmf_child']
  • Fix Conflict style with Advanced Custom Fields plugin

Version 2.3.0

  • Add Possibility to drag'n drop media in left column folder tree
  • Fix Style broken in right to left language
  • Fix Enqueue style gallery when the gallery is not empty
  • Fix Change image on hover
  • Fix Error in the french file

Version 2.2.0

  • Add Media filtering by image dimension
  • Add Filtering by media type (zip, image, pdf,...)
  • Add Media filtering by media weight
  • Add Define custom weight and dimension to be applied in media filtering
  • Add Small and large view of media
  • Add Sorting folders by name and ID
  • Add Sorting media by date
  • Add Sorting media by title
  • Add Sorting media by size
  • Add Sorting media by file type
  • Add Save user sorting and ordering using cookies
  • Add Possibility to disable the feature
  • Add Spanish and German languages

Version 2.1.0

  • Add Localization standard files (English and french included)

Version 2.0.0

  • Add Own media display restriction
  • Add Admin option to filter own media with session
  • Fix Firefox display
  • Fix Default gallery theme broken in some themes
  • Fix Alert display when create same folder with same name

Version 1.3.1

  • Add Use backbone js to create progress bar when upload attachment
  • Fix Style conflict with enhanced media library pro
  • Fix Error : images after upload vanished
  • Fix JS conflict MailPoet Plugin
  • Fix Reset query when delete folder
  • Fix Support right to left language
  • Fix Use $wpdb->prefix.'table_name' instead use wp_ prefix
  • Fix Sanitize sql function
  • Fix Slider theme disappear when select size = 'large' or 'fullsize'

Version 1.3.0

  • Add NextGEN gallery importer
  • Add Change config text and add NextGEN sync button

Version 1.2.1

  • Add Possibility to disable gallery feature
  • Add Use svg icon for button next and prev
  • Fix Theme conflict WP Latest Posts plugin
  • Fix Random order selected by default
  • Fix Custom link in gallery broken
  • Fix Custom _blank link in portfolio gallery
  • Fix When lightbox open , double click to load next/previous image in portfolio theme
  • Fix Random order is broken when active Advanced Custom Fields plugin
  • Fix Auto insert image from folder in Page

Version 1.2.0

  • Add Gallery function: masonry
  • Add Gallery function: portfolio
  • Add Gallery function: slider
  • Add Override default WordPress gallery function with new parameters and lightbox
  • Add Parameter view for custom image size choice
  • Add Parameter for gallery display

Version 1.1.3

  • Fix WordPress 4.2 compatibility, in some case only folders are loaded, not images

Version 1.1.2

  • Fix Progress bar disappear on image upload
  • Fix Date filter disappear in the media popup from an article

Version 1.1.1

  • Add JS and CSS compatibility with theme builder

Version 1.1.0

  • Add Folder tree on left part

Version 1.0.3 to 1.0.4

  • Fix JS error and style

Version 1.0.2

  • Add Custom taxonomy for folder
  • Add Import post into new categories
  • Fix JS error on post page which are not articles or posts or pages

Version 1.0.1

  • Fix Fix backend display, the folder are going over media parameters

Version 1.0.0

  • Add Initial release version