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DropEditor changelog

Last update : 10 Sep 2024

Version 2.5.21

  • Fix Iframe popup of some editor tools are not working
  • Fix Conflict with Themler template

Version 2.5.20

  • Fix Some editor buttons are not working in Joomla 5.1

Version 2.5.19

  • Add Joomla 5 compatible

Version 2.5.18

  • Fix Error in blank article

Version 2.5.17

  • Fix Error when using Google fonts
  • Fix Some PHP warnings

Version 2.5.16

  • Fix Error when adding custom style in Joomla 4
  • Fix Conflict with Convert forms extension

Version 2.5.15

  • Fix Install error on PHP 8

Version 2.5.14

  • Fix Some errors on Joomla 3.10

Version 2.5.13

  • Add Joomla 4 compatible

Version 2.5.12

  • Fix Insert media tool

Version 2.5.11

  • Fix Iframe height too small in some editor tools

Version 2.5.10

  • Fix Can't insert readmore into article when using additional fields

Version 2.5.9

  • Fix Fetch Youtube video information fails
  • Fix Missing some fonts in the Google fonts list

Version 2.5.8

  • Fix Translation sharing issue in some browsers

Version 2.5.7

  • Fix Loading customstyles file fail when update extension

Version 2.5.6

  • Fix Update heading format in editor when delete a custom title style
  • Fix Saving custom title style doesn't work property in some cases.

Version 2.5.5

  • Fix Missing link when editing a saved button
  • Fix Missing custom style when update editor

Version 2.5.4

  • Fix Button in the column content broken when resizing column width
  • Fix Droptables button parameter in the editor profile not saved correctly
  • Fix Missing translation in some editor tools

Version 2.5.3

  • Fix Bullets tool doesn't work if there are multiple editor instances
  • Fix Missing translation in some editor tools
  • Fix JU Translation url

Version 2.5.2

  • Fix JU Updater

Version 2.5.1

  • Fix Button and link tool don't work if there are multiple editor instances
  • Fix Issue with Scayt plugin
  • Fix Can't delete image in Droppics light version

Version 2.5.0

  • Add New editor tool: non-breakable spaces character
  • Add JCE Editor plugin: Insert link to Dropfiles files from JCE link manager
  • Fix Link to article inserted (from link manager) can be stripped in some template

Version 2.4.0

  • Add Update Droppics-light UI/UX to the latest version
  • Add Update Dropfiles-light UI/UX to the latest version
  • Add Keep styles and formats when pasting from Word

Version 2.3.2

  • Fix Conflict with some editors-xtd plugins
  • Fix Error while inserting button in some specific configuration
  • Fix Error while loading front-end content on some servers (may create error code 500)
  • Fix Cannot load Google fonts on front-end
  • Fix Allow to using empty (i) and (span) tag for inserting font icons

Version 2.3.1

  • Fix Videos: Allow to edit inserted local videos and sounds
  • Fix Keep old profiles config when updating
  • Fix Issue while saving custom styles CSS

Version 2.3.0

  • Add New editor tool: Embed videos from Youtube, Vimeo
  • Add New editor tool: Embed Local videos and sounds
  • Add Play videos and sounds in content or as popup
  • Add Custom thumbnail for media played in popup

Version 2.2.0

  • Add New function: Export and Import edition profiles
  • Add New function: Export and Import editor custom styles

Version 2.1.1

  • Fix Link not update when edit with Link quick editor
  • Fix Allow using single and double quotes in button text

Version 2.1.0

  • Add Link manager: Add link to Joomla articles and categories
  • Add Link manager: Add link to K2 item and category
  • Add Link manager: Add link to Flexicontent item and category
  • Add Link manager: Add link to download a Dropfiles file
  • Add Link manager: Add link to send email (mailto:) and link to an anchor in text
  • Add Link manager: Possiblity to quick edit link URL or to open back and edit a link

Version 2.0.2

  • Add New Search/Replace functions in code-view editor

Version 2.0.1

  • Add Remove auto-save functions in custom styles. Use Save and Cancel buttons instead
  • Add Implement new UI for editor profile
  • Fix Issues with loading editor on Firefox and IE

Version 2.0.0

  • Add New interface with material design style
  • Add Editor style design can be changed (background color, icon color, icon size...)
  • Add Option to display tooltips on editor tools when mousehover
  • Add Function to edit link when clicking on it
  • Add Box-shadow and style options for buttons tool
  • Add Column manager redesigned and new layouts
  • Add Preview button: Preview your article in front-end view instead of a blank page
  • Fix Compatibility of Dropfiles with Joomla 3.7
  • Fix Some issues with insert Buttons tool

Version 1.2.0

  • Add Redesign the interface of Dropfiles and Droppics
  • Add Function to insert embed video in Droppics
  • Add Function to open image on double click on it
  • Add Function to change style of files inserted by Dropfiles
  • Add Double-click on inserted file or image in DropFiles will display its editor (not its properties anymore)
  • Add Option to make the editor full browser height
  • Fix Cannot remove all chosen components in DropEditor profiles

Version 1.1.11

  • Add Joomla 3.7 compatibility
  • Fix Link tool broken with error: Not Authorized

Version 1.1.10

  • Add Builtin translation tool
  • Fix relative url issue when using DropEditor on front-end

Version 1.1.9

  • Fix disable html character entities conversion
  • Fix DOMNode error in some case

Version 1.1.8

  • Fix error with dom element in Joomla article in some cases

Version 1.1.7

  • Fix catchable error with dom element in Joomla article in some cases

Version 1.1.6

  • Fix In some case, creates a conflict that generate additional html tag in Joomla article

Version 1.1.5

  • Fix Apply color on button do not work as expected
  • Fix HTTPS error when loading Google font

Version 1.1.4

  • Fix HTML content is removed during custom column update

Version 1.1.3

  • Fix HTML content is removed during custom column update

Version 1.1.2

  • Fix Google font button not displayed in toolbar configuration

Version 1.1.1

  • Fix Load only on component feature fix
  • Fix Warning on Goole font edition
  • Fix Strip content on Breezing form

Version 1.1.0

  • Add Include Google a font selector and make it available in editor tool
  • Add Add custom font color, to be defined in profile
  • Add Switch from color panel to color picker for font color and background color
  • Fix Change edition font to Open sans font
  • Fix Author Joomla user group access to DropEditor config
  • Fix Button edition, open one accordions one by one
  • Fix TZ Portfolio fix, add image, droptable, dropfiles in the content go in the quote tab

Version 1.0.6

  • Add Joomunited component updater
  • Fix Cyrilic letter in DropEditor tool

Version 1.0.5

  • Fix Remove font-family for body tag
  • Fix Hide 'Open' link in dropfiles when setting display viewer none
  • Fix Enable Image editor button

Version 1.0.4

  • Fix Don't run content prepare when article is empty
  • Fix K2 category link broken
  • Fix Bullet list can now replace paragraph

Version 1.0.3

  • Fix Frontend editor load

Version 1.0.2

  • Fix Other editor buttons hidden
  • Fix Wrong external link for button and link tool
  • Fix Text under-line on button
  • Fix Saving Persian and Arabic languages in wrong format

Version 1.0.1

  • Add Custom title function with H4 to H6 activation option
  • Fix Button Editor link broken
  • Fix Button Editor style broken
  • Fix Droppics and Dropfiles update to full version default category loading
  • Fix Change absolute links to images to relative
  • Fix Column display on wild screens
  • Fix Remove dead code

Version 1.0.0

  • Add Initial release