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WP Latest Posts, the WordPress recent news plugin

WP Latest Posts is the most advanced WordPress news plugin. Automatically format all your posts, pages, custom post types with one of the 8 themes included. Each news block can be configured separately: select content source (posts, pages...), filter your content with many options, pick up a theme, and you're done!

Compare the free and Pro Addon versions here >>


Check the WordPress Latest Posts themes demo


Plugin price is $49,
all included, unlimited websites


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Give some style to your WordPress recent posts and news

WP Latest Posts includes 8 inbuilt themes, and there's not just themes, they really change the way your news content are displayed. The themes are responsive, and each theme has a dedicated configuration, so you just need to focus on your content and let our WordPress news plugin do the rest. You can define colors to make the latest news fit your theme's design in just one click. Themes list:

  • Default news theme: blank layout, highly configurable
  • Smooth hover: news with slider layout
  • Masonry news wall with category grid: a masonry compact wall
  • Masonry wall with 2 layouts, horizontal and vertical news display
  • Portfolio: image-based presentation
  • Timeline: content displayed based on dates (chronologically)
Different themes to Your WordPress News

A flexible WordPress news plugin

WP Latest Posts compiles your news in a very flexible way. You have the possibility to select as a source one or several post categories, pages, and custom post types in different display blocks. And each block can be placed where you want it in your content. Numerous content filters are available including:

  • Filter by content type: posts, categories list, page, tag, custom post type
  • Filter content published before/after a date
  • Order news posts by date, title, random
  • Display articles from the last number of years, months, days or hours
  • Optionally select ACF fields & groups of fields
A flexible WordPress news plugin
WordPress custom post types and WooCommerce integration

WordPress custom post types and WooCommerce integration

Make a stunning design for your WooCommerce product listing with 8 themes and tons of products filtering options and display settings. The WP Latest Posts plugin is also integrated with all the major page builders and their WooCommerce layouts.

Load your WordPress recent custom posts with style

Additionally to the WooCommerce integration, you can load any custom posts types as source. Any plugin that uses custom posts like a calendar, a file manager or anything else can be used as news source.

Multiple and unlimited latest news blocks
Multiple and unlimited latest news blocks

Multiple and unlimited latest news blocks

Setup multiple news element item with a different configuration for each one. Then you can display each news block in various pages and multiple instances on the same page. The process is quite simple, create news blocks, insert them into your editor or as a widget, and you’re done!

WordPress breaking news! It's easy to setup

The WordPress news plugin configuration interface has been designed to be fast to setup and edit. Select the news source, choose a design, place the news block where you want it to appear, and you're done! Do you need to modify the number of news item loaded, or a theme? It's one click away.

Easy to setup news block for WordPress
Load the Latest Posts in Gutenberg or with shortcode

Latest posts in the WordPress editor or in any page builder

All the WP Latest Posts features are available in the WordPress Gutenberg editor through a dedicated block, but also in Elementor and DIVI Builder and you load them using a widget. In each news block, we also generate a shortcode and a PHP snippet to include in your custom layouts. So WP Latest Posts is compatible with all the major page builders and with custom themes.

Ready for WordPress Multisite and multilingual websites

WP Latest Posts has a dedicated WordPress Multisite and Multilingual integration. Once the multisite network is activated, you'll be able to get any content from any website of your network and then use all the latest posts power to display your content the way you want. About multilingual news, once WPML or Polylang plugin are detected you'll be able to filter your news content by language.

WordPress Multisite and multilingual websites news block
Image position in latest posts plugin

Position images accurately and optimize the loading time

When using a news plugin, there are chances that you have catchy images. With WP Latest Post plugin you have the control on news images. You can define the image ratio, force image crop and resizing. Of course everything can be controlled also regarding the news image spacing.

The WordPress news plugin in video

All you can achieve to get a flexible news display on WordPress

Features in WP Latest Post Free version

- Features included in the FREE plugin version -

Create and configure an unlimited number of news block instances separately and load them wherever you want

Select the number of columns and lines to be loaded side-by-side, for every news block

Quickly search through pages, posts, categories and tag using our AJAX search engine. Finding your news has never been easier

When loading a massive amount of news, images needs to be light. WP Latest Posts has an option to lazy load images and to select the image size

Insert your recent content using either a page builder block or the classic editor button

Load your news by selection content from posts by category, categories list, page selection or WordPress tagged posts

Instantly display the news count that will be loaded depending of all the news block setup (content selection, number of item, pagination)

WP Latest posts news blocks can be loaded anywhere in WordPress, it uses custom post type and genrate shortcodes. It has been tested with all the major page builders

Flexible default theme with advanced display configuration to build a news slider in no time

Depending on the amount of content selected, a slider animation will be activated automatically

Select the number of news to avoid (offset value) before starting to load them

Each news block element, like the category, date, image... can be displayed or hidden

Features in WP Latest Post Pro Addon

Features included only in the WP Latest Posts Pro Addon version


4 additional masonry themes are available with a load more option to preserve performance while loading a massive amount of news


The plugin Addon adds some control over your images, you can setup image size with dynamic crop and custom spacing


In case of a post or custom post that has several categories attached, you can select whether you want to load it in all categories or only once


To complete the list of additional theme, the addon brings a timeline theme, a news slider and a portfolio theme


In all the additional themes you got a color picker to make your news blocks fit your website design. The accent color makes it possible in one click


The plugin is integrated with Polylang and WPML multilingual plugins. Plus, it uses the JU translation tool


Select animation for default and smooth hover slider theme: fade or slide animation and duration


Automatically crop your titles and news intro text and excerpt by selecting the number of words, chars or lines you want to load


Adding news content to your website pages and linking to your content is very good and recommended for SEO, especially when you publish a lot of content


Pick Up a date and load a selection of WordPress news only created after it or delay your news by days, hours or minutes


Add your latest news and configuration wherever you want with a PHP shortcode, for example in your page layouts


WP Latest Posts 3rd party integrations and compatibilities


WP Latest Posts is using custom post type so it is fully compatible with Polylang multilingual and translation tool. You can also filter your news by language

WP Latest Posts is using custom post type so it is fully compatible with WPML multilingual and translation tool. You can also filter your news by language

15000+ active users can't be wrong. The plugin has been tested on tons of themes and can be customized in few clicks

WP Latest Posts does support composer installation, you can use our plugins as a composer dependency, check the developer documentation for more details

Plugin language translations

Community translations included, create your own in few clicks! More information >>

Get more information about WP Latest Posts

WP Latest Posts Prices

Join our 70,000+ members & get WP Latest Posts support and new versions
Instead of 373$

The Bundle gives access to ALL WordPress plugins and can be used on unlimited websites. In addition, you will have full access to technical support and update on each plugin for all year. 
The time is now!  Boost your efficiency and gain that competitive edge.  Give The Bundle a try.

wordpress bundle

Review and ratings

WP Latest Posts WP Latest Posts - WordPress News Plugin
85 out of 100 based on 51 user ratings

Rating source: 5 user-submitted reviews at: