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The WP table Manager themes and colors for your WordPress tables

Each website has its tone, so theme and color selection is also important for you to cover your web design. Let's dig into WP Table Manager themes and colors. For more features, get back to the main plugin page >

Create a price grid from a table theme

Create a price grid from a table theme

We have a few predefined price table themes with various CSS styles. It save a lot of your time if you want to make a new price one for your product. Select your  price table theme, import it, add your data and prices you're done. All the theme can be edited, of course.

Table planning and data list themes

WP Table Manager contains planning and data list table for you to choose. To achieve them, you can use the alternate color feature. All the predefined  themes are composed by a table configuration (column size, cell color...) and for some of them few lines of CSS you can override using the custom CSS tool.

Table planning and data list themes
Automatic style on WordPress tables

Automatic style on WordPress tables

Our table plugin includes a few predefined alternate line colors sets that you can select while creating tables. It will be applied to the existing lines and to new ones automatically.

Create your own table alternate color sets

Note that you can create your alternate color set that, for example, to fit your website design! Pickup one color, one alternate color, select a cell range and eventually a special style for table header and footer, and you're done.

Create your own table alternate color sets
WP Table Manager Plugin Prices

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Recent testimonials & ratings

Average rating for WP Table Manager, JoomUnited is 4.9 Star of 5 stars - based on 66 Reviews