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OneDrive Business Plugin Integration With WordPress Media Manager

WP Media Folder offers the the possibility of connecting and synchronizing the WordPress media library with Microsoft OneDrive Business accounts. The plugin addon offers a two-way instant synchronization for all your OneDrive Business and WordPress media, plus, you can import and use them right in your media library. What's more? OneDrive Business integration comes in the same addon with Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive personal, Amazon S3 connectors and a responsive PDF embed feature!

OneDrive Business Media Integration In WordPress Content

OneDrive Business Media Integration In WordPress Content

Once you've connected WP Media Folder with OneDrive Business you'll be able to manage OneDrive Business files as any other media from your WordPress library. The OneDrive Business integration allows you to embed (load from OneDrive servers) one or several OneDrive media in your WordPress website. The media will be added in the content like any WordPress media without any difference with the usual media library.

Import OneDrive Business Media in WP Media Folder

You can import OneDrive Business media in the WordPress Media Manager and use them among any others. The OneDrive Business media import can be done in a specific Media Folder, so everything stays organized in your media library!
Import OneDrive Business Media in WP Media Folder
Move media from WordPress to OneDrive Business

Move media from WordPress to OneDrive Business

Embed media or importing media from OneDrive Business to WordPress is covered. But you can also move media from WordPress to OneDrive Business by just by using drag'n drop. Media will be instantly placed in the synchronization queue and uploaded right away.

Manage OneDrive Business Files and Folders from WordPress

The OneDrive Business WordPress plugin integration can perform all the major media library actions you can expect, like:
  • Create, delete, rename move media from OneDrive Business then use them in WordPress
  • Create, delete, rename, download, move OneDrive Business files from WordPress
  • Order OneDrive Business media in the WordPress media manager
  • Make a multi selection of OneDrive Business media to perform bulk actions
  • Search and Filter OneDrive Business media in the WordPress media manager
Manage OneDrive Business Files and Folders from WordPress
OneDrive Business Media and Gutenberg Blocks Integration

OneDrive Business Media and Gutenberg Blocks Integration

The OneDrive Business WordPress plugin is fully integrated with Gutenberg editor, including with all 3rd party image and media blocks plugins. In a word, you can use OneDrive Business media as your default media manager.

Create WordPress Image Galleries Using OneDrive Business Media

The OneDrive Business integration can be used to create image galleries from your cloud images. It does include the Gutenberg gallery block, the classic editor gallery manager or any 3rd party gallery plugin that uses the WordPress default WordPress media manager.
Create WordPress Image Galleries Using OneDrive Business Media
OneDrive Business PDF Embed In WordPress Content

OneDrive Business PDF Embed In WordPress Content

WP Media Folder got an inbuilt PDF embeder feature. The OneDrive Business integration allows you to embed (integrate in WordPress content) your PDF stored on OneDrive Business. All the PDF embeder are supported like pagination, zoom, rotation....

Generate and move media thumbnails to OneDrive Business

Once a media is added to your WordPress media library, some thumbnails are generated, at least 3 for each image. These thumbnails are mainly used for performance purpose, not to load the full image. WP Media Folder OneDrive Business connector is handling that by attaching thumbnails when the image is moved to the WordPress library or to OneDrive Business.
Generate and move media thumbnails to OneDrive Business
Control OneDrive Business media access

Control OneDrive Business media access

Restrict access to your OneDrive Business media using WP Media. WP Media Folder has a tool to limit media access and media management to a single user or WP user role (share access to all media that belongs to a user role). This is quite useful when you got several content editors on your website. It's also possible to make the OneDrive Business media link accessible to public or private.

How To Easily Connect The OneDrive Business To Media Library?

Don't worry, you don't have to be a developer to ensure the connection works :) There's 2 connection methods, the first one is click and connect using your OneDrive Business username and password. The second method is to create your own Microsoft Azure App to get your credentials. There are several synchronization methods that fit different server requirements, such as AJAX sync, Curl, or custom Cron tasks. You can also setup a synchronization delay or force the synchronization manually. Finally there's also the online documentation and our support team is available to help you with all your needs.
How To Easily Connect The OneDrive Business To Media Library?
OneDrive Business WordPress Integration in Video

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Recent testimonials & ratings

Average rating for WP Media Folder, JoomUnited is 4.9 Star of 5 stars - based on 226 Reviews