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WP File Download, the WordPress download manager plugin TURBOCHARGED

  • Unlimited downloadable files & categories
  • Advanced file download access control
  • Frontend full-text document search engine
  • Icon builder: customize file type with the design of your choice
  • Sell your files with full WooCommerce integration
  • Sync Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive and OneDrive Business

as well as hundreds of other amazing features...

WP File download Managing files in WordPress


Don't hesitate to check the WP File Download demo


Plugin prices start from $49,
all included, unlimited websites


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Meet the easiest to use WordPress download manager

File upload, limit access, file category themes and many more!

WP File Download + 
woocommerce-icon becomes 
the most powerful way 
to sell digital products

  • Sell files from cloud server 
    (Google Drive, Dropbox,...)
  • Sell remote files 
    (external server)
  • Sales Statistics
  • All payment systems included  (Paypal, Stripe, Bolt,...)

Included in the single plugin addon, no extra fee.


WP File Download WooCommerce Integration

Limit download access, file visibility and file management

When you manage files, you will always need to setup file access for users and it's always complex to do so. In WP File Download, we've included smart tools to manage file visibility and file management actions. Define who is allowed to download or update a file, delete a file, edit only his own files and more. Furthermore, it's possible to restrict the access to a file or a file category to some WordPress users only.

Limit file download access
File management

Setup each action a user in a WordPress user role is allowed to perform

File download visibility

For each file category, define what will be visible or downloadable

Permission by user

In each file category or single file, define an owner that is allowed to perform some specific actions

A powerful yet easy to use WordPress download manager

We mean it - the download manager is straightforward to use. It's essentially like managing files on your desktop file browser. For example, you can change the order and levels of file categories with drag'n drop as well as order files. And everything is saved with AJAX - on the fly. Adding new files? Just drag'n drop one or multiple files, no matter the file size.

Move or duplicate files? It's a piece of cake. Drag'n drop files or use the right-click to copy, cut, paste one or several files at the same time.

Easy to use WordPress file manager

Use the right click on single or on a category of files to edit, set visibility, publication date, description...

Admin file search

Search files from your file manager admin with advanced filters like the file upload date, weight, type...

Theme + Icon builder

5 themes are available and change the way your file icons are displayed: from small to large, with a file preview. And you can build your own file icon using the .SVG icon builder

WordPress download manager design: 5 themes included

Five themes are included in the plugin, but it's not just themes! They change the way you make your files available to your users. The themes included are standard file listing, Google Drive like, Table, Accordion file tree, file preview with covers. The system is also extremely flexible because you can apply a theme per category of files or even create your own file download theme.

WP File Download Wordpress File Manager 5 themes
Default theme

The default file manager theme is built to fit almost all the websites considering that you can setup all the colors and the file information displayed

File preview

A file preview theme is available and perfect to display downloadable visual documents. You can use JoomUnited file previewer to generate images or the Google Drive preview

Custom theme

Duplicate an existing theme and make a custom downloadable file theme!

A download manager for the Elementor page builder

WP File Download plugin is the only download manager that offers full integration with Elementor page builder. 3 dedicated widgets are available: WP File Download File, WP File Download File Category, WP File Download Search Engine.

Elementor file manager
Elementor widgets

Use one of the 3 Elementor widgets or the shortcode generator to include files and file search engine

Single file download

Load single file download and preview with design setup from the Elementor widget

File management

Include and manage all files and categories of files from the Elementor admin

Flexible and advanced document search engine

Flexible and advanced file search engine
Full-text document search

WP File Download can make a full-text document indexation in background, then execute blazing fast search query in a large file database

WordPress search integration

The WordPress native engine can be plugged with WP File download, returning files in search results

Search filters

Define what type of file search filters you want to be visible: file category, file update and upload dates and file tags

Managing a massive number of documents goes with a powerful file search engine. This is included in the plugin and in addition, you can generate multiple and custom search engines configuration with options to activate:

  • Full-text search for documents with automatic index
  • Category file filtering
  • Tag filtering as checkbox or predictive search box
  • Date of creation & Update range filter
  • Document preview in search results
  • File ordering in search results on column title click
  • Compatible with WordPress native search engine

Import and synchronize server folders in your download manager

If you already have files stored on your server or if it's faster for you to send files through FTP, the file importer is for you. Select a document source on your server and the download manager category target, then run a synchronization. Exporting all or one part of the file library is also possible. Furthermore. we've also added an automatic synchronization feature for any server folder with a WP File Download whenever you want!

Import existing files from your server
Export files

Export all or one part of your downloadable documents. It's also possible to export only the file structure

Import files

Import files from one website to another using a .xml file like in the default WordPress content importer.

Import files from server

Select a document folder on your server then the file manager category when you want to import the files and run a synchronization

File category

Select the file category to import the files

One-click file update & multicategories, document versioning

Updating and restoring files has never been so easy. You can update (replace) an existing file with one click while you keep a backup of the old file version. Of course the old version can be restored in one click too. To keep the track of the file version you can create a file version name pattern for each new version (version-01, version-02...).

Furthermore, the plugin offers the possibility to assign a downloadable document to multiple categories.

File download update, file versioning, file multicategories
Update file

Update a file in one click with a simple drag'n drop

File versioning

When you update a downloadable file, a backup of the old version is automatically stored. You can store up to 99 old file versions!


Make your documents available in multiple categories with a single master file to edit all file instance

Meet the unique icon builder for all your files!

WP File Download has the most advanced icon builder for WordPress


File download icons are very limited in number or in file format in file download plugins, so how about building your own icon set? WP File Download plugin, by taking advantage of the .SVG format, allows you to build custom icons for all file formats. You can also use classic and original file image with the .PNG icon set.

Email notification on downloadable file updates

Email notification when WordPress file update

A very flexible Email notification system is available with the plugin, triggered when a user makes any action on files. You can notify the file owner, file category owner, WordPress admin and add custom Email notifications. Email notification can be activated when:

  • A new file is uploaded
  • A file is edited
  • A file is removed
  • Any file information is changed
  • A file is downloaded

WordPress download manager: file preview & download statistics

A download statistics dashboard is available from the WordPress plugin  admin, and you can also activate a Google Analytics event tracker. The download statistic is detailed and if the option is enabled, you can track the files downloaded per WordPress user account, which applies if the users are logged into their WordPress account during the download.

You can filter your WordPress file download statistics by file category, single file selection and a date range.

Download Manager Statistics

The WordPress Download Manager in Video

All you can achieve with the WordPress download manager

WP File Download plugin additional features

Editing the same file multiple times because it's located in several file categories is a waste of time. WP File Download’s alternative is to have a single master file, made available in multiple categories.

Once a file is updated (or replaced), the old version is automatically stored in the file history. The old version can be restored with one click and you can specify the maximum number of old versions to store

You can literally track who is downloading what and get the results as a statistics table and chart you can even export. This is pretty useful when file downloading requires a user account

Let your users download several files at a time, based on their custom selection. Then, a .zip is automatically generated. You can also add a button to download a complete file category with a single click

Generate a custom file upload form and insert it anywhere in your website. Your users will be able to submit files and you can select the destination of the files in order to review them before publication

WP File Download 3rd party plugins Integrations

WP File download works with all other major content builders: ACF, Site Origine, Themify builder, Beaver Builder and Live Composer page builders...

Plugin language translations

Community translations included, create your own in few clicks! More information >>

Get more information about WP File Download

Recent testimonials & ratings

Average rating for WP File Download, JoomUnited is 4.9 Star of 5 stars - based on 226 Reviews

WP File Download Plugin and Addon Prices

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  • WooCommerce Integration
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