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WP File Download changelog

Last update : 04 Sep 2024
Compatible with the latest Wordpress version and Stable release: 6.6

Version 6.1.3

  • Add Icon Builder: Possibility to quickly edit icons on the admin file listing
  • Fix Page title not showing the document title when opening PDF file in browser
  • Fix Missing some confirmation messages in icon builder
  • Fix Export WP File Download files and categories not working
  • Fix Duplicate file(s) in all categories shortcode

Version 6.1.2

  • Fix Compatible with Divi page builder latest version
  • Fix WP File Download widgets for Elementor page builder not working
  • Fix Save theme settings not working in plugin's configuration page
  • Fix Wrong icon path in some cases
  • Fix Fatal error on front-end

Version 6.1.1

  • Fix Upload file(s) not showing in tree theme
  • Fix Can't edit own categories when uploading folder into WP File Download
  • Fix Preview file not work as expected
  • Fix Divi page builder style issue

Version 6.1.0

  • Add Possibility to create archive ZIP file on admin dashboard
  • Add New option to nofollow all link to files
  • Add New option to no indexing of wpfd_files post type
  • Fix Incorrect list file display when using WPML
  • Fix Preview lightbox not working on all category shortcode
  • Fix Incorrect file search results on the frontend

Version 6.0.5

  • Fix WP File Download single file style issue
  • Fix Open subcategories not work on frontend

Version 6.0.4

  • Fix Page freezes when clicking on the folder tree

Version 6.0.3

  • Add Watermark generator for image files in the selected categories
  • Add New option to expand the folder tree
  • Add New option to expand all subcategories in the Tree theme

Version 6.0.2

  • Fix Missing files when using the preview theme
  • Fix Upload folder in admin is incorrect in some cases

Version 6.0.1

  • Add Possibility to upload folder on Frontend
  • Fix Wrong pagination on frontend
  • Fix PHP warning

Version 6.0.0

  • Add Email notification system: Support notify email per category
  • Add Email notification system: Support file download URL tag for custom email content
  • Add Email notification system: Support file upload date tag for custom email content
  • Fix Default layout theme issue
  • Fix Tree theme breadcrumbs issue
  • Fix PHP warning on frontend

Version 5.9.8

  • Fix Display remote file incorrectly in some cases
  • Fix PHP warning on admin file search

Version 5.9.7

  • Add Compatibility with WP File Download Addon version 4.6 - Amazon S3 integration
  • Fix PHP warning on Divi module
  • Fix Language translation issue
  • Fix Search in all categories issue

Version 5.9.6

  • Fix Translate in search results not working
  • Fix Upload form below category on clone themes
  • Fix Tree theme broken on refreshing page
  • Fix Remove category owner from category settings

Version 5.9.5

  • Fix Upload form below category in front-end not working
  • Fix Multiple categories file not showing on front-end
  • Fix JU Translation overwritten on WP File Download single file

Version 5.9.4

  • Fix Error when search file with no keyword

Version 5.9.3

  • Fix Sort the relevance of search results to keyword
  • Fix Sync server folder
  • Fix Incorrect list file display when using WPML

Version 5.9.2

  • Add Implement server folder synchronization
  • Add Possibility to run 2 ways synchronization for folders
  • Add Define folder synchronization delay
  • Add Define folder synchronization filter by file types
  • Add Regenerate single file preview from the latest file version
  • Add Preview theme: Display preview image from custom media
  • Fix Wrong real path

Version 5.9.1

  • Fix File download issues with filenames containing special characters
  • Fix Wrong icon path in some cases
  • Fix The single icon builder not saving
  • Fix Password protected files not working
  • Fix Resolves several issues in the Tree theme

Version 5.9.0

  • Add Preview WP File Download blocks in Gutenberg Blocks Editor
  • Add New WP File Download Search engine block in Gutenberg Blocks Editor
  • Add Download link from the JoomUnited file previewer
  • Add Possibility to filter for all files waiting for approval in the admin search
  • Add New option to display breadcrumbs for the Tree theme
  • Fix New uploaded files will display in the category without refreshing page
  • Fix Wrong icon path in some cases
  • Fix Fatal error in some cases

Version 5.8.3

  • Fix Conflict with Avada theme when JS Compiler enabled

Version 5.8.2

  • Fix Improving file search functionality within the category
  • Fix Improving search results when using quotation marks

Version 5.8.1

  • Fix Plain text search not working in some cases
  • Fix Table layout theme

Version 5.8.0

  • Add Option to display file search above the category file listing on front-end
  • Add Search engine: Possibility to show/hide/sort columns for the search results (None or Table theme)
  • Add Search engine: Minimize filters in the first page loading
  • Add Search engine: Add the option to display pagination in the search results
  • Fix The search layout appearing broken on Elementor, Avada and Divi builders

Version 5.7.7

  • Fix Conflict with Amelia booking plugin

Version 5.7.6

  • Fix Fatal error: conflict with WPML plugin

Version 5.7.5

  • Fix Search engine: validate weight and date filters
  • Fix Search engine: wrong file tags when using multiple search engine in a page
  • Fix Search engine: wrong search result (multiple categories) when filter by file type or file weight

Version 5.7.4

  • Fix Search engine: Showing tags incorrect
  • Fix Search engine: Display category list incorrect
  • Fix WP File Download button not working on Beaver builder at frontend

Version 5.7.3

  • Add Search engine: New design
  • Add Search engine: Filter by file type with multiple inputs
  • Fix Showing tags and filtering by tag in the search engine
  • Fix Plain text search not working
  • Fix File suggestion display incorrect

Version 5.7.2

  • Fix Build search index error

Version 5.7.1

  • Fix Return no result when plain text search enabled

Version 5.7.0

  • Add Search engine: Option to filter files by file type in the search engine
  • Add Search engine: Option to filter files by file weight in the search engine
  • Add Search engine: Option to display suggestion when user is typing in the search box
  • Add Search engine: return files in multi-categories
  • Add Search engine performance enhancement with new cache system
  • Fix Show upload form on front-end wrong in some cases

Version 5.6.10

  • Fix Update the updater for WordPress 6.2
  • Fix Missing loading spinner when using table theme

Version 5.6.9

  • Fix WP File Download Search engine conflict with WPML
  • Fix Compatible with Elementor latest
  • Fix PHP warning on Plain text search indexer
  • Fix Style issue in table theme

Version 5.6.8

  • Fix Wrong search multi category file on WP File Download Search engine
  • Fix Admin file search issue
  • Fix Wrong ordering on duplicating category
  • Fix Custom ordering not work with multi category file
  • Fix Style issue on Gutenberg Categories block
  • Fix Table's clone theme not work as expected

Version 5.6.7

  • Add Option to limit the number of downloads per user group
  • Add Option to limit the number of downloads by count and delay
  • Fix Update new placeholder image for page builder and classic editor
  • Fix Improve the search in category list in WP File Download category Gutenberg widget and Divi module

Version 5.6.6

  • Fix Updater may not install correctly updates

Version 5.6.5

  • Fix Category tree display issue on front-end
  • Fix Wrong multi categories of cloud file
  • Fix Missing link to Woo product description on single file
  • Fix PHP warning on admin

Version 5.6.4

  • Add Pagination and load more options for file listing on admin
  • Add Possibility to add theme param to category shortcode
  • Add Possibility to order sub categories
  • Add Global settings for ordering direction for files and categories
  • Fix Import server files not work with uppercase file type
  • Fix Update date picker in the file search filter to avoid confusion
  • Fix Wrong pagination on frontend

Version 5.6.3

  • Fix Error on JoomUnited file previewer, some servers prevent writing to PHP file
  • Fix Deleting the WP File Download plugin fails in some case
  • Fix WPML compatibility
  • Fix Wrong WP File Download pagination on cache

Version 5.6.2

  • Fix Missing permission check when download multiple files
  • Fix Improve upload files performance
  • Fix Responsive issue on themes
  • Fix WPML compatibility

Version 5.6.1

  • Fix Upload load file not working on frontend
  • Fix Wrong style on WP File Download Search engine

Version 5.6.0

  • Add Possibility to upload folder into WP File Download
  • Add Improve category loading speed on frontend
  • Add Link a file to multiple categories with a hook
  • Add Reduce the number of file loaded to improver performance
  • Add Possibility to drag files or folder on the whole plugin file list view
  • Fix Wrong category title on deleting
  • Fix Wrong search in some case
  • Fix Warning on PHP 8 when using Divi
  • Fix Published on option doesn't work in some case

Version 5.5.6

  • Fix Preview lightbox not working.

Version 5.5.5

  • Fix The WPFD Divi module doesn't work in some case
  • Fix Plain text search with Japanese and Chinese not working
  • Fix File version drag & drop issue

Version 5.5.4

  • Add Support for addon version 4.5.15

Version 5.5.3

  • Fix Improve reordering categories performance
  • Fix Download file not working on firefox
  • Fix Error on load scripts and styles when using table theme on WP File Download Search engine
  • Fix Wrong file version when uploading large file
  • Fix Wrong files ordering in some case

Version 5.5.2

  • Fix Upload form below category in front-end not working on empty category
  • Fix Multiple categories file issue
  • Fix Wrong download link when using WordPress Multilingual
  • Fix Warning on category shortcode
  • Fix WP File Download single file style issue

Version 5.5.1

  • Fix Remote file URL not open in new tab
  • Fix Password Protected option not work in Preview theme
  • Fix Upload form below category in front-end does not work in some case
  • Fix Permission to upload form below category in front-end
  • Fix Wrong category theme params when theme settings option is disabled
  • Fix Multiple categories icon not showing

Version 5.5.0

  • Add Possibility to download selected file on WP File Download Search engine
  • Add Possibility to search multiple words at once on WP File Download Search engine
  • Add Option to set a background color for WP File Download category
  • Add Option to set a folder tree position
  • Add Option to enable or disable WP File Download category settings
  • Add Option to add automatically a suffix on WP File Download file after updating
  • Add Previewer log information
  • Fix Theme icons are not at the right color and size
  • Fix Theme display issue on mobile

Version 5.4.2

  • Fix Support for Dropbox oAuth2
  • Fix Upload form below category in front-end not working on non-admin account
  • Fix [Icon builder] SVG set can not save when allow_url_fopen=0
  • Fix Prevent jumping to top page when preview and GDD theme file modal

Version 5.4.1

  • Fix Preview generator not generate the files thumbnail in some case

Version 5.4.0

  • Add New WP File Download Preview theme
  • Add Possibility to display a message when a WP File Download category is empty
  • Add Possibility to display a message when a WP File Download category is not accessible by a user
  • Fix Download selected file not working on tree theme
  • Fix Pagination number not working
  • Fix Search by tags issue
  • Fix Theme display issue in some case

Version 5.3.0

  • Add Possibility to set a password protection for WP File Download file
  • Add Possibility to set a password protection for WP File Download category
  • Add Possibility to copy categories and subcategories of WP File Download files

Version 5.2.2

  • Fix File editor now display inline in file list and don't need reload file list after save.
  • Fix GA tracking not working on single file.

Version 5.2.1

  • Fix Admin search own categories only.
  • Fix Multiple categories file icon showing in every files on search.
  • Fix Remove download all button in search results.
  • Fix Duplicate file name in single file shortcode.
  • Fix Category theme params still showing when theme per category is disabled.

Version 5.2.0

  • Add New admin to manage categories with right click
  • Add Possibility to add color to categories
  • Add Context menu to manage files
  • Add Quick action to publish/unpublish files
  • Add Quick publication date display for files in listing
  • Add New admin file search engine with filter by type, category, date and weight
  • Add Prevent file and category modification loss with tooltip
  • Fix Missing icon set style when include search form
  • Fix Conflict with plugin Ivory Search (Premium)
  • Fix Horizontal scrollbar in table theme
  • Fix Search limiting.
  • Fix Divi module missing styles in admin backend.

Version 5.1.3

  • Fix WordPress file search conflict with WPML.
  • Fix Missing ajaxurl when popup open on site have WP Fatest Cache.
  • Fix Custom files ordering not saved.

Version 5.1.2

  • Fix Update handlebars library to v4.7.7.
  • Fix Search widget not working.

Version 5.1.1

  • Fix Cut/Copy/Paste not working.
  • Fix Missing category setting opener when category empty.

Version 5.1.0

  • Add Option for the files to be uploaded unpublished
  • Add Only allow user to upload file if the user has right to upload
  • Add Possibility to publish multiple WP File Download files
  • Add Possibility to unpublished multiple WP File Download files
  • Add Possibility to upload files to all WP File Download categories
  • Add Option to display upload form under the files listing on front-end

Version 5.0.4

  • Fix Cloud files not showing in backend.

Version 5.0.3

  • Fix Conflict with the Divi Builder stylesheet.
  • Fix The preview button isn't showing in front-end.
  • Fix Hide cloud categories when the Addon plugin deactivated.
  • Fix The previewer light-box stuck in some case.

Version 5.0.2

  • Fix Table theme category navigation not loading
  • Fix GGD theme sidebar not loading
  • Fix Search limit not working

Version 5.0.1

  • Fix Check download/preview permission for user on multiple roles
  • Fix Handlebars error when option display sub-categories disabled.
  • Fix Wrong file path on importing when wordpress installed in sub-folder.
  • Fix PHP 8 compatibility patch for LightnCandy class.
  • Fix Support formal languages on translate module.
  • Fix Daterange picker layout on search page.

Version 5.0.0

  • Add Possibility to export WP File Download files and categories from one server to another
  • Add Possibility to import WP File Download files and categories from another server
  • Add Possibility to import local server files and folders into WP File Download
  • Add Possibility to import files and categories from the 3rd party plugin WP Download Manager
  • Add Possibility to set an expiration date for WP File Download file
  • Add Possibility to define Download files action per user role
  • Add Possibility to define Preview files action per user role
  • Add Add xsendfile option to improve performances
  • Fix PHPMailer, SMTP, phpmailerException classes do not exist

Version 4.9.10

  • Fix Conflict style with the Heading Title block in WP Bakery Page Builder.
  • Fix Wrong cloud category id type in shortcode generator.

Version 4.9.9

  • Add Implement JoomUnited document preview for cloud documents files
  • Add Increase the number of pages in Joomunited document preview to 3
  • Fix GGD theme error when open file in popup mode

Version 4.9.8

  • Fix Wrong check edit permission for categories.
  • Fix Missing WpfdBase class when generate preview files in some case.
  • Fix All categories shortcode with folder tree now expand by default.
  • Fix All categories shortcode with pagination on first page init.
  • Fix Additional notification Email address when download trigger.
  • Fix HTML template for category on front-end not correct when insert multiple category in same place with difference settings.
  • Fix Front-end categories order by Ordering not correct for the first category.

Version 4.9.7

  • Fix Divi modules conflict with other plugin.
  • Fix Preview generator now support PPTX files.

Version 4.9.6

  • Fix Add missing RTF icon
  • Fix Ajax error when set title for category
  • Fix Wrong preview generated file path on Windows
  • Fix WP File Download Avada builder element not render on front-end

Version 4.9.5

  • Add WP File Download single file module for Avada page builder
  • Add WP File Download category module for Avada page builder
  • Add WP File Download search module for Avada page builder

Version 4.9.4

  • Add WP File Download single file module for WPBakery page builder
  • Add WP File Download category module for WPBakery page builder
  • Add WP File Download search module for WPBakery page builder
  • Fix Search tag not working in Japanese or that kind of language
  • Fix Wrong search when exclude category is empty
  • Fix Wrong pagination initialization when files loaded

Version 4.9.3

  • Fix File icons are not properly loaded in the WP File Download category module in Divi edition mode
  • Fix WP File Download single file does not work in some case in Divi page builder
  • Fix WP File Download single file widget does not work with Wordpress version 5.6.0 in Elementor page builder
  • Fix WP File Download category widget does not work with Wordpress version 5.6.0 in Elementor page builder
  • Fix Conflict with Polylang plugin
  • Fix Wrong handlename in icon builder on translated site

Version 4.9.2

  • Add WP File Download single file module for Divi page builder
  • Add WP File Download category module for Divi page builder
  • Add WP File Download search module for Divi page builder

Version 4.9.1

  • Fix Category tree in front-end not display

Version 4.9.0

  • Add Introducing JoomUnited file previewer, a fast and stable document viewer
  • Add Select either JoomUnited or Google file previewer
  • Add File format handled: ai,csv,doc,docx,html,json,odp,ods,pdf,ppt,rtf,sketch,xd,xls,xlsx,xml
  • Add Fallback to the Google previewer in case a file preview failed
  • Add Fallback to the Google previewer in case preview file format is not available
  • Add Category status inherited: sub-categories will automatically have parent category access right
  • Add Category status inherited: default status Inherited is applied to all new categories

Version 4.8.4

  • Fix Wrong multiple categories file title when search on front-end
  • Fix PHPMailer class has been moved to wp-includes/PHPMailer in WP 5.5.3

Version 4.8.3

  • Add New Edit permissions settings on User Roles configuration
  • Fix Icon set not display on all categories shortcode
  • Fix Elementor page builder hang on some case
  • Fix Activate plugin fail on some case
  • Fix Remove php renderer file on disk

Version 4.8.2

  • Add WP File Download single file widget for Elementor page builder
  • Add WP File Download category widget for Elementor page builder
  • Add WP File Download search widget for Elementor page builder

Version 4.8.1

  • Fix Category shortcode for empty folder not working
  • Fix Search shortcode generator not update on change settings
  • Fix Icon Builder: SVG Frame background not remove on selection other frame
  • Fix Missing default icon for additional extension when using SVG set on single file

Version 4.8.0

  • Add New SVG icon builder system
  • Add New PNG icon builder system
  • Add Possibility to everide each svg and PNG icon
  • Add Possibility to edit svg icon layers with CSS configration
  • Add Single file download icon customization
  • Add Single file download layout customization [Breaking change -- Single file display will change and css overrides made will not work anymore]
  • Add Setting to define a default icon set for the whole website
  • Fix Plain text search not working
  • Fix Show empty category setting not applied in some case
  • Fix Search results ordering
  • Fix Preview token now generate for login user only

Version 4.7.15

  • Add WordPress 5.5 compatibility
  • Fix Pagination issue on wpfd_category shortcode to show all files
  • Fix Shortcode generator wrong category id for cloud categories
  • Fix Support for WooCommerce description
  • Fix Conflict with some theme search query
  • Fix Set max-width for files container when enable folder tree

Version 4.7.14

  • Fix Files in multiple categories not remove when delete in target category
  • Fix Themes pagination issue
  • Fix Render HTML in file title in front-end
  • Fix Wrong files ordering in front-end
  • Fix Plain text search performance for long terms
  • Fix Remote file size N/A for zero file size
  • Fix File health check fail for WP Rest API in some cases

Version 4.7.13

  • Fix File name in UTF-8 when download
  • Fix Remove a dot from category name in Gutenberg Categories block
  • Fix Multiple categories file in sub-categories not found when search
  • Fix Clear float after pagination in front-end themes
  • Fix Remove duplicate elements id on same page
  • Fix Widget conflict in Elementor Page Builder
  • Fix Wrong CSS selector when clone table/ggd themes
  • Fix URL encode on SEO URL
  • Fix Show categories tree for all categories shortcode

Version 4.7.12

  • Fix Single file preview
  • Fix Hide sub-categories in table theme not correct in table theme
  • Fix Multiple receiver email notification problem
  • Fix Wrong category load when reload at multiple categories in same page

Version 4.7.11

  • Fix Minimum php version now is 5.6
  • Fix mb_convert_encoding warning
  • Fix Duplicate home url in custom icon link
  • Fix Style issue for Default theme
  • Fix Change token lifetime to 15 minutes
  • Fix Warning on category shortcode

Version 4.7.10

  • Fix User roles settings not saving
  • Fix Some config form not showing when conflict with other plugins
  • Fix Tags display errors
  • Fix Wrong category id in download url of files in multiple categories

Version 4.7.9

  • Fix Front-end: Child categories not display after a category clicked

Version 4.7.8

  • Fix wpfd_category shortcode supports show_categories parameter when using on show all categories
  • Fix Possibility to translate some text in search form
  • Fix Search form behavior on categories selection
  • Fix Clone table theme problem
  • Fix Remove space before themes layout

Version 4.7.7

  • Fix Update to working with Addon version 4.4.1

Version 4.7.6

  • Add Compatibility with new addon version - OneDrive Business integration
  • Fix Table Theme: Pagination problem when put category in hidden tab
  • Fix Search Form: Tag filter reselect not correct on refresh page

Version 4.7.5

  • Fix Search form: Category sandwich button not clickable in some case.
  • Fix Plain text search: Problem with minus (-) characters in keyword string.
  • Fix Missing mediaTable jquery library on Beaver Builder.
  • Fix Add wpfd_search_post_types filter

Version 4.7.4

  • Add New categories themes layout
  • Fix Translatable search form text

Version 4.7.3

  • Fix Search page not working when using Enter in Safari, IE
  • Fix Hide empty category: Now checking Multiple files too
  • Fix Add scrollbar to files importer
  • Fix Check mbstring PHP extension when install
  • Fix Download all button not showing on first load

Version 4.7.2

  • Add Support for WooCommerce Addon (require Cloud Addon version v4.3.0)
  • Fix New UX for search widget layout

Version 4.7.1

  • Fix Translation sharing issue in some browsers

Version 4.7.0

  • Add New design for file search engine
  • Add Search engine: root category selection with quick filtering
  • Add Search engine: file tag suggestion based on existing tag only
  • Add Search engine: multiple calandar to select date range
  • Add File search results with column display selection
  • Add Search engine: Better HTML without titles and specific class
  • Fix Responsive issue in file search results
  • Fix Category file tree in admin better responsive display

Version 4.6.13

  • Fix Download/preview PDF file problem

Version 4.6.12

  • Fix Categories tree can not clickable on touch devices
  • Fix Front-end pagination issue
  • Fix Statistics now count download only
  • Fix Download problem on server have Gzip enabled

Version 4.6.11

  • Fix Responsive on mobile on page using Divi builder
  • Fix Ordering problem on pagination
  • Fix Publish date is not change on save

Version 4.6.10

  • Add Add option Display empty folders in frontend
  • Fix Permission on download selected files
  • Fix Date not validate when save file params
  • Fix Front-end upload form into tabs not working
  • Fix Support preview m4a audio file type
  • Fix Possibility to use gtag.js to send Google Analytics event

Version 4.6.9

  • Fix Date range picker not working in statistics page
  • Fix Remove arrow icon before non-children category on frontend
  • Fix Add filter wpfd_search_tags_relation

Version 4.6.8

  • Fix Reponsive for theme in front-end
  • Fix Pagination execution wrong category
  • Fix Upload shortcode generator
  • Fix Document parser remove too many words on PDF file
  • Add Add blocks preview image

Version 4.6.7

  • Fix Responsive on plugin admin screen
  • Fix Wrong front-end sub categories ordering
  • Fix Order files by version on front

Version 4.6.6

  • Fix Update preview close notification text
  • Fix Wrong category id for cloud category in search shortcode generator
  • Fix Update to working with WP File Download Cloud Addon 4.2.2

Version 4.6.5

  • Fix Theme breadcrumb missing top category name when hide Category name
  • Fix Table Theme: Hide tool box when Stylize menu disabled
  • Fix Defaut Theme: Using flex wrap for files box
  • Fix Table Theme: Download header missing download col when download link disabled

Version 4.6.4

  • Fix Order for categories tree in themes
  • Fix Prevent PHP Warning when headers already send
  • Fix Preview in new tab not working when Google Analytics enabled
  • Fix Frontend configuration tab saving not working
  • Fix WP File Download button in front-end editor
  • Fix Custom icon path not correct when wp-content path changed by other plugin
  • Fix Missing translation page title for admin menu
  • Fix New category created not clickable
  • Fix Update file size for remote file when update the URL
  • Fix Statistics ordering
  • Fix Reponsive for default theme
  • Fix Missing option show download link for tree theme when use as global theme
  • Fix Possibility to translate string in Gutenberg block
  • Fix Plain text search: Possibility to index and search file description
  • Fix Minimum require WP File Download Cloud Addon version 4.2.0

Version 4.6.3

  • Fix Can not download old uploaded files

Version 4.6.2

  • Fix Wrong file path for download file

Version 4.6.1

  • Fix Download button not working when option Tracking by GA enabled
  • Fix Statistics not update when plugin updated

Version 4.6.0

  • Add File download statistics design
  • Add Possibility to export statistics table to CSV
  • Add Possibility to track user downloads (option needs to be turned On)
  • Add Gutenberg blocks file and category now display names
  • Fix Split Main settings to be more comfortable with Admin, Frontend and Statistics
  • Fix Add selected category/file name in Gutenberg blocks
  • Fix Change single file download icon
  • Fix New tab opened when preview in lightbox

Version 4.5.8

  • Fix Translate calendar in search form
  • Fix Search index check table exists when prefix have uppercase character
  • Fix Remove unused files
  • Fix Google Analytics push event update
  • Fix RTL style for themes
  • Fix Action buttons in RTL can not click
  • Fix Conflict with plugin Membership Pro

Version 4.5.7

  • Fix Update PDFParser library for security fix
  • Fix Gutenberg single file block param

Version 4.5.6

  • Fix Fix Jutranslation url
  • Fix Multiple categories in one page collapsed the first one only
  • Fix Trash and edit icon on modal to insert categories/files

Version 4.5.5

  • Fix Preview in lightbox not working in single file display
  • Fix Reindex file on new version upload
  • Fix Add action wpfd_before_index_remove and wpfd_file_indexed

Version 4.5.4

  • Add Possibility to exclude category from search
  • Add Keep version and description when Copy/Move files on cloud
  • Fix Possibility to translate tooltip and help field
  • Fix Possibility to translate in main javascript file
  • Fix Hide text on copy-cut-paste button on small screen
  • Fix Multiple login form on upload shortcode
  • Fix Single quote not display correct on title when load via handlerbars
  • Fix Force some column in table to nowrap
  • Fix Some style tweak

Version 4.5.3

  • Add Possibility to search only on one category
  • Add Display login form when user not logged in on upload shortcode
  • Fix Wrong file custon icon url on popup download
  • Fix File name in shortcode missing when name params not provided
  • Fix Tinymce problem in description field
  • Fix Complicity with ACF
  • Fix Possibility to translate file weight unit
  • Fix Add more space between edit icon and scroll bar on left categories panel

Version 4.5.2

  • Fix Search pagination limit
  • Fix Remove category from multi-categories problem
  • Fix Missing file info on copy file
  • Fix Possibility to translate file size measure
  • Fix Automatic translate calendar field on search widget

Version 4.5.1

  • Add Add option new file category position
  • Fix Download selected file in tree theme when page have more than one category
  • Fix Possibility to translate download selected phrase
  • Fix Update handlebars to 4.1.0
  • Fix Scroll files list when sorting in backend
  • Fix Multi-category on frontend for cloud file in a local category
  • Fix Wrong app instance when search files in backend

Version 4.5.0

  • Add Automatic clean junks files to save disk space
  • Add Option to set statistics life time
  • Add Download selected file on frontend
  • Fix WP File Download button not working on some builder at frontend
  • Fix File permission for single user on all category shortcode
  • Fix Sometime got 404 page on google index
  • Fix Hide category shortcode usage text when click hide field
  • Fix Search sub-category on multi-categories form
  • Fix Using local Material Icons font
  • Fix Increase sub-category level from 8 to 16

Version 4.4.5

  • Fix Improve some admin style
  • Fix User perrmission on delete category
  • Fix Drag to sort categories issue
  • Fix Configuration style not load on other language
  • Fix Conflict with new Divi builder

Version 4.4.4

  • Fix Category list in Block Editor conflict with some theme
  • Fix Category search and select previous state in Block Editor
  • Fix Download notification email not send to additional email
  • Fix Preview video can not be played back when click on stop
  • Fix Conflict switcher style with some theme
  • Fix Column display state for admin table theme
  • Fix Missing Show category title option for default and GGD theme
  • Fix Single file style in front-end

Version 4.4.3

  • Add add WP File Download blocks for Gutenberg Block Editor
  • Fix typo in email notification tab name
  • Fix style for single file display in frontend
  • Fix fatal error when using wp_doing_ajax() on wordpress 4.7

Version 4.4.2

  • Fix missing toggle right column button icon
  • Fix insert category/file button style
  • Fix adjust scroll speed in file manager
  • Fix insert remote file with space in file url

Version 4.4.1

  • Fix File order in frontend
  • Fix remove admin notice on page belong to plugin
  • Fix left menu padding
  • Fix wordpress submenu now showing on hover in plugin pages
  • Fix setup wizard

Version 4.4

  • Add New UX for plugin's file manager on backend
  • Add New UX for plugin's configuration page
  • Add Introduce Alternative - Larger theme for files list on backend
  • Add Remember latest category open/close state on backend
  • Add New gradients icons set for files on backend
  • Add Add filter to allow setup default visibility for new category
  • Fix First load ordering on frontend
  • Fix Order by title with nature algorithm
  • Fix Conflict with Relevanssi plugin

Version 4.3.29

  • Fix Download all button not displayed on first load
  • Fix Conflict with Multisite Robotstxt Manager Plugin
  • Fix wpfd_preview_url filter
  • Fix Multiple single file shortcode not working
  • Fix wpfd_category shortcode for all category not working
  • Fix Sorting on pagination with nature order on title

Version 4.3.28

  • Fix Multi single file shortcode not working
  • Fix Wrong asset url on clone themes
  • Fix Pagination on frontend
  • Fix New clone theme now store in /wp-content/wp-file-download/themes

Version 4.3.27

  • Fix Search form output returned too soon
  • Fix Wrong files sorting action callback
  • Fix Conflict with Gutengerg on saving post/page

Version 4.3.26

  • Fix Multi category using table theme error
  • Fix File size on frontend different with backend

Version 4.3.25

  • Add Add actions and filters for developers
  • Add Add new location for custom theme at /wp-content/wp-file-download/wpfd-themes
  • Add Add support custom templates at /wp-content/wp-file-download/templates
  • Fix Update framework to 1.0.5
  • Fix WpfdBase error
  • Fix Selected tags not checked after reload search form

Version 4.3.24

  • Add Remove download file link extension
  • Fix WP File Download modal not open in Elementor
  • Fix Upload fail on server have no limit upload file size
  • Fix Tag order in checkbox mode
  • Fix Duplicated hash in pagigation url
  • Fix Scroll to top category block when click pagination
  • Fix Back button not showing when not show category title in Default, GGD, Table theme

Version 4.3.23

  • Add Maximum file versions and purge all old versions option
  • Fix Remove framework from themes
  • Fix Front search not working
  • Fix Update requirements class

Version 4.3.22

  • Fix Saving multi category
  • Fix Change category order performance
  • Fix Abort ajax in multi category/file click
  • Fix Search by tags in checkbox mode
  • Fix Open in new tab in table theme for preview button
  • Fix Order by created date on search results
  • Fix Conflict with Go7 Pricing Table plugin
  • Fix Index file title with underscore character

Version 4.3.21

  • Fix Wrong title space on edit
  • Fix Override language not working
  • Fix Include to main query on search only
  • Fix Multi hash when pagination on themes

Version 4.3.20

  • Fix Plain text search indexer
  • Fix Loading modal after click WP File Download button on Editor
  • Fix Single user permission check
  • Fix File icon not showing on uppercase extension
  • Fix Wrong URL when click on subcategory (frontend)

Version 4.3.19

  • Fix Warning on frontend
  • Fix Sorting files on search results
  • Fix Disable change date field in search form when scroll mouse over
  • Fix Table theme css
  • Fix Error on clone table theme
  • Fix Calendar button over the overlay
  • Fix Click on backdrop to cancel prompt
  • Fix Upload on deleted category
  • Fix Change download button background/text color not working
  • Fix Download file not working in backend on firefox

Version 4.3.18

  • Fix Redirect loop on frontend download after save file
  • Fix Pagination for multi category on frontend
  • Fix Rewrite source code to meet Coding Standard
  • Fix Require minimum cloud addon version 4.0.6

Version 4.3.17

  • Fix Additional Email notification on file changes not applied
  • Fix Corrupt PDF file on download
  • Fix Update PdfParser library
  • Fix Special character cutoff in file title
  • Fix Using file date from GMT time
  • Add Check some requirements before activate plugin

Version 4.3.16

  • Fix Error on statistics page
  • Fix Table layout theme
  • Fix Search results list design enhancement
  • Fix Front view not working after update
  • Fix Right column in backend springy when select file
  • Fix File title not fully displayed when crop title is disabled

Version 4.3.15

  • Fix Backend category tree
  • Fix Backend category's file count
  • Fix Some PHP warnings
  • Fix Create table theme error on install

Version 4.3.14

  • Fix Update token creator
  • Fix Wrong category order in left tree on front
  • Fix Nestable2 problem in firefox
  • Fix Wrong icon path when cloning theme

Version 4.3.13

  • Fix Search on widget with space character
  • Fix Add version on load scripts and styles to avoid cahche problem
  • Fix Add animate FadeOut when remove category with success
  • Add Replace with nestable 2 to handle tactile devices
  • Fix Search multiple tags at once

Version 4.3.12

  • Fix Upload on drag on frontend
  • Fix Root folder tree not opened on first load
  • Fix Scrollbar on touch device
  • Fix Download large file function, support stream video and preview in abetter way

Version 4.3.11

  • Add Optimization for folder tree navigationfast loading
  • Fix Download All button not loaded
  • Fix Ordering files not applied
  • Fix Allow upload files with similar file name

Version 4.3.10

  • Fix Download large file on category grouped download
  • Fix Remove !important properties to allow CSS override
  • Fix Group & fix UX category params
  • Fix Change wpColorPicker to minicolors

Version 4.3.9

  • Fix Mail SMTP configuration broken
  • Fix Bypass warning on set_time_limit is disabled
  • Fix Include Ref file in download category
  • Fix Upload check mimetype
  • Fix Search condition
  • Fix User Role name

Version 4.3.8

  • Fix File duplicated on drag and drop upload
  • Fix Deleting Google Drive categories fails

Version 4.3.7

  • Fix Rewrite date fix on edit title, descriptions
  • Fix Date get wrong format on save
  • Fix Download large file return memory error

Version 4.3.6

  • Fix Mime type always return application/octet-stream
  • Fix Missing AJAX URL in modal when polylang is actived
  • Fix Date setting for files
  • Fix Multi categories deletion
  • Fix Single shortcode not working

Version 4.3.5

  • Add Include files in native WordPress search
  • Fix For servers that do not have finfo functions
  • Fix Navigation in table theme
  • Fix Search ref files include in children category (filter post_title included)

Version 4.3.4

  • Add Possibility to run full document content index for plain text search (settings)
  • Fix Multi upload form in frontend
  • Fix File version change on upload
  • Fix Full text search
  • Fix Check mime type when uploading files
  • Fix Navigation false in table theme

Version 4.3.3

  • Fix Move custom tplsingle.php file in wp-content/uploads/wpfd-themes
  • Fix Wrong file name in notify email when upload new file
  • Fix New category creation broken

Version 4.3.2

  • Fix Remote file URL not working
  • Fix Display wrong columns in table theme
  • Fix Multiple category issue when saving category parameters
  • Fix JS error in the download statistics page
  • Fix Upload load file on frontend don't work

Version 4.3.1

  • Fix JS error in the plugin configuration page
  • Fix PHP 5.3 returns an error on install
  • Fix Custom theme from configuration does not apply

Version 4.3.0

  • Add Full code reformating for better performance and code comments
  • Add Using PHPCS to make standard definitions
  • Fix Upload large file size to server
  • Fix Problem with automatic image crop
  • Fix Conflict related to AJAX URL (with 3rd party plugins)
  • Fix PHP 5.2 returns an error
  • Fix Widgets sidebar not work in wordpress version 4.9

Version 4.2.3

  • Fix Bootbox conflict when used in other plugins
  • Fix Files list shortcode
  • Fix Language constants

Version 4.2.2

  • Fix Display issues in table theme
  • Fix Multiple file category not updated on file move and delete
  • Fix Hide download all link if there isn't any file in the category

Version 4.2.1

  • Fix Folder tree not properly working with multiple instance of categories
  • Fix Download all don't work when addon plugin is not activated
  • Fix Custom icon in sub categories display

Version 4.2.0

  • Add File multi-category: Load file in multiple categories, keep one original version
  • Add New setting: Shortcode generator to load recent files by categories and custom ordering
  • Add New setting: Shortcode generator to load recent files by type, title or description
  • Add New setting: Shortcode generator to load recent files by size, version, date or hits
  • Add Frontend: Add a button to download all the files from a category as a .zip
  • Add New setting: Display file count in categories on admin
  • Add In admin, add a file direct link and a quick copy link
  • Add Close cross on the preview window
  • Add Settings: Group the 3 cloud configuration tabs

Version 4.1.8

  • Fix Conflict with WPML plugin
  • Fix Import files issue if filename contain special charater
  • Fix Wrong file item in search results
  • Fix Custom icon don't display in search results

Version 4.1.7

  • Add Compatibility with new addon version - OneDrive integration
  • Fix Multiple upload form in content
  • Fix Single file shortcode

Version 4.1.6

  • Fix Issue on upgrading from light version to full version

Version 4.1.5

  • Fix Duplicate the display of subfolders/files when click on breadcrumb navigation
  • Fix Missing text domain for some words
  • Fix Security issues

Version 4.1.4

  • Fix DIVI Builder compatibility enhancement
  • Fix Open media file in new tab does not work in some case
  • Fix Check access in files and categories listing
  • Fix Can't select small image file as custom icon

Version 4.1.3

  • Fix Update the updater for WordPress 4.8

Version 4.1.2

  • Fix Empty space on bottom of page (Firefox)
  • Fix Add mail function in configuration
  • Fix Dropbox filename is wrong after file download in some languages
  • Fix Wrong file type restriction on file update upload
  • Fix Small issue when loading categories in tree theme

Version 4.1.1

  • Fix File settings display issue
  • Fix CSS display of open PDF in new browser tab
  • Fix Upload bootbox alert
  • Fix Select category owner

Version 4.1.0

  • Add Email notification system: Possibility to notify users on file upload, remove, edit, download
  • Add Notification admin user, to custom Email and file owner
  • Add Tag for custom notification Email content: File name, file category, website URL, username
  • Add Custom icon on files with automatic thumbnail
  • Add File access, add an option to add multiple user access to a file
  • Add Upload form to upload files in a predefined category
  • Add On themes that opens popup to download files possibility to disable it

Version 4.0.5

  • Fix Download limitation security issue
  • Fix Clone table theme issue
  • Fix Open image file in search results
  • Fix Back button not displayed on GDD theme

Version 4.0.4

  • Fix Missing file title on search results
  • Fix Color setting don't apply on single file
  • Fix Remote file adding issue

Version 4.0.3

  • Fix Conflict with Visual Composer theme
  • Fix User role apply issue
  • Fix Save file setting issue in admin
  • Fix Open PDF link in new tab

Version 4.0.2

  • Fix CSS admin title is broken
  • Fix CSS for mobile: lightbox to download and file tree for iphones
  • Fix CSS in lightbox for xlsx files

Version 4.0.1

  • Fix Conflict issue with Yoast - XML sitemap
  • Fix CSS improvement related to new themes and mobile views

Version 4.0.0

  • Add Admin UX: Add notification system on actions: file and categories add, edit, delete, order
  • Add Admin UX: Panels takes more width and the the left column can be resized
  • Add Admin UX: Search/filter engine for files
  • Add New Copy/Cut/Paste/Uncheck buttons
  • Add Possibility to remove several files at once whith Delete button
  • Add Hide columns automatically when the screen goes smaller
  • Add Frontend new design design for all themes and unique lightbox style
  • Add File title automatic crop function (can be defined in each theme)
  • Fix Delete file current version and file old versions

Version 3.7.10

  • Fix Missing loading spinner when using category short code
  • Fix Menu link to category not working
  • Fix Change the download method without redirect (SEO purpose)

Version 3.7.9

  • Fix Use default en_US language

Version 3.7.8

  • Fix Allow saving an empty translation override file

Version 3.7.7

  • Add Builtin translation tool improvements

Version 3.7.6

  • Fix Filename doesn't change when editing file title
  • Fix Back to: link not working on iphone
  • Fix Remove extra
    tag in the download link
  • Fix Move the cloned theme to the wp-content/uploads/wpfd-themes folder
  • Fix Translation overwritten on update

Version 3.7.5

  • Fix Php 5.3 issue
  • Fix Language override not working if language file not installed

Version 3.7.4

  • Fix Error on wp multisite

Version 3.7.3

  • Add Built in JU Translation tool including addons

Version 3.7.2

  • Add Built in JU Translation tool

Version 3.7.1

  • Add Change default pagination number to 100
  • Fix Issue when category name has special character such as quote
  • Fix Select multiple files on Mac OS

Version 3.7.0

  • Add Generate URL per category of files on frontend
  • Add Re-open this category when the plugin is called another time
  • Add Add shortcode for single file
  • Add Pagination for file listing as a setting (except for tree theme)
  • Add Open PDF in new browser tab as preview
  • Add CSS style on admin: more compact category list display
  • Fix Responsive display when left tree navigation is called on screens 640px
  • Fix Remove unused or obsolete resources to get a smaller extension package

Version 3.6.4

  • Add Support social locker for addon
  • Fix Category not applied on specific server configuration
  • Fix Download URL broken on specific server configuration

Version 3.6.3

  • Fix User as category owner
  • Fix Wrong automatic file title on upload
  • Fix Wrong category title on search page
  • Fix Clone table theme
  • Fix Loader always displayed on table theme

Version 3.6.2

  • Add Optimize and clean code
  • Fix Fix copy/cut/paste when addon is not installed
  • Fix Choosing elements to display does not work properly
  • Fix Cloned a Theme base on default one does not work properly

Version 3.6.1

  • Fix loading image always show at footer page

Version 3.6.0

  • Add Possibility to copy/cut/paste files
  • Add Possibility to add an existing user as a category owner
  • Add Add a loader on frontend when you navigate through categories

Version 3.5.5

  • Fix Show gracefull error on installation error

Version 3.5.4

  • Fix Settings not applied on public category

Version 3.5.3

  • Add WordPress 4.6 compatibility
  • Fix Permission to view category
  • Fix Access category for single users

Version 3.5.2

  • Add Shortcode [wpfd_category id='xxx'] to display files of a category
  • Fix Missing js and css files for search widget
  • Fix Single user access per category is not saved when disable Theme per categories

Version 3.5.1

  • Fix Search query broken in some cases
  • Fix Navigation broken on table theme

Version 3.5.0

  • Add Add Download statistics view: graph and details
  • Add Download file statistics by category
  • Add Download file statistics by file
  • Add Download file statistics by date range

Version 3.4.0

  • Add Possibility to duplicate an existing theme and customize it
  • Add Custom theme won't move on plugin update
  • Add Fall back to the custom theme if new theme is removed
  • Add Use WP File Download with page builder: ACF
  • Add Use WP File Download with page builder: Beaver Builder
  • Add Use WP File Download with page builder: DIVI Builder
  • Add Use WP File Download with page builder: Site Origine
  • Add Use WP File Download with page builder: Themify builder
  • Add Use WP File Download with page builder: Live composer
  • Fix Special characters of file title removed on upload

Version 3.3.1

  • Fix Not displayed list of files at frontend in some case

Version 3.3.0

  • Add Possibility to restrict the display of a file/category per WordPress user
  • Add Allow Delete own category action in the permission Edit own category
  • Add WYSIWYG Editor in file description
  • Add Generate an URL on search query (URL can be shared)
  • Add Publication state/date for single file

Version 3.2.2

  • Fix File title was changed after uploaded
  • Fix Conflict with Visual Composer plugin
  • Fix Conflict issue when using custom role plugin

Version 3.2.1

  • Fix Warning in WP 3.5 and php 5.3
  • Fix Small search engine issue

Version 3.2.0

  • Add Work with new addon version - Dropbox integration

Version 3.1.1

  • Fix wrong text box class in config
  • Fix some css issue

Version 3.1.0

  • Add Advanced search and filtering
  • Add Tag management
  • Add Plain text search

Version 3.0.1

  • Fix Cloud addon single file edition fix

Version 3.0.0

  • Add Work with cloud addon - Google Drive double way sync
  • Fix Private access for single file
  • Fix Theme issue when Show folder tree option is ON

Version 2.5.1

  • Add Add a tracking for file preview
  • Fix Add file extension to front download link

Version 2.5.0

  • Add File versionning with one click restore
  • Add Google analytics downloawd tracking using "events"
  • Add Default root URL for all downloads
  • Add SEO URL for files with category and file names
  • Fix jpg, png by default in the previewer configuration

Version 2.4.1

  • Add .pot file for translators
  • Fix File preview reload

Version 2.4.0

  • Add File preview feature based on Google preview for docs
  • Add Select file format you want to preview in parameter
  • Add Implement MP3 and video player
  • Add .pot file for translators

Version 2.3.0

  • Add Remote download function, to be activated as a global option
  • Fix Get file size and in some cases

Version 2.2.0

  • Add Import server files on WP File download categories
  • Fix WP Media folder JS conflict

Version 2.1.0

  • Add WP File Download menus to load categories of files
  • Add Define actions per user role (edit own category of files...)
  • Add Implement JoomUnited automatic updater
  • Fix Remove all old icons and avoid duplicate ones in each theme folders

Version 2.0.1

  • Add Single image folder for all file icons
  • Add File icon optimization using
  • Fix Single file not displayed well

Version 2.0.0

  • Add New admin file management design with columns filters
  • Add Admin left panel retractable
  • Add Order files in categories on column title click or using dropdown
  • Add Date update file ordering
  • Add Parameter to close/open categories on admin
  • Add Date format parameter
  • Add Set default theme and default parameters
  • Add Update default theme with folder navigation

Version 1.2.1

  • Add Better icons set for table and GDD
  • Fix Change icon width from 60px to 50px for table theme
  • Fix Remove the bootstrap style on right column for save button
  • Fix JS conflict with WP Media Folder

Version 1.2.0

  • Add  Update default icon set
  • Add Add theme per category
  • Add Single file insertion design change
  • Add Add breadcrumb navigation
  • Add Folder tree navigation
  • Add Add some theme config with color pickers
  • Add Add loader in tree theme
  • Add Add CSS admin enhancement

Version 1.1.0

  • Add Switch to WordPress standard custom post type and stadard taxonomy for categories
  • Add Language files migration to WordPess standard .po/.mo files

Version 1.0.3 & 1.0.4

  • Add Enhanced uninstall process
  • Add Ability to change the upload file max size
  • Fix Admin image not showing in editor

Version 1.0.2

  • Fix Firefox JS problem
  • Fix Saving parameter problem

Version 1.0.1

  • Fix Improve language usage

Version 1.0.0

  • Add Initial release