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My Maps location changelog

Last update : 11 Sep 2024

Version 4.6.0

  • Add New console plugin for Automatic .CSV synchronization
  • Add Rebuild the whole UX for import and export data
  • Add Add KML file in open street map

Version 4.5.2

  • Fix Error in php7

Version 4.5.1

  • Fix Warning in php8.1

Version 4.5.0

  • Add Custom field search in joomla
  • Add Add default category in joomla add form
  • Fix Router warning in php8
  • Fix Blank Address formatting

Version 4.4.5

  • Add Joomla 5 support
  • Fix Editor plugin fatal error fix on php8.1
  • Fix Add description tag in import my map locations

Version 4.4.4

  • Fix Statistic backend giving error
  • Fix Adding jquery to backend
  • Fix Language translation sharing bugfix

Version 4.4.3

  • Fix Front end location error
  • Fix Global checkout error
  • Fix Language constant fix

Version 4.4.2

  • Fix Marker cluster library fix

Version 4.4.1

  • Fix Google map load event not working on details page
  • Fix Marker cluster library update

Version 4.4.0

  • Add New location search theme called Modern
  • Add Map module for DJ extension
  • Add Front end Publish and Unpublish on My Locations
  • Fix Editor plugin syntax correction
  • Fix Add upublish button in article location and filter article dropdown at backend
  • Fix Zoo extension save not working
  • Fix Virtuemart compatibility on php8

Version 4.3.5

  • Fix Button color in form
  • Fix Layout fix

Version 4.3.4

  • Add Add modern theme in joomla
  • Fix Bing map disable drag and mousewheel zoom
  • Fix KML formatting fix when import and add cdata in address
  • Fix Export tag fatal error on category tag fix
  • Fix Address formatting toltip joomla articles

Version 4.3.3

  • Fix Mapillary service removal
  • Fix Fix mysql error when using content plugin
  • Fix Fix 404 error on edit form

Version 4.3.2

  • Add OS map plugin integration
  • Fix Import map issue in Joomla 4
  • Fix Fatal error when unpublishing a location
  • Fix Category filter in backend on Joomla 4

Version 4.3.1

  • Fix updater not working

Version 4.3.0

  • Add Joomla 4 integration
  • Add 3rd party J4 extensions compatibility
  • Add Import / Export new admin layout
  • Fix Frontend theme display on Joomla 4

Version 4.2.4

  • Add OpenStreetMap autocomplete API update
  • Add Autocomplete location in backend API update
  • Fix Authorized category integration

Version 4.2.3

  • Fix Geocode error in webservice due to Google API update
  • Fix Category dropdown display based of my map location category
  • Fix Joomla article slug issue
  • Fix Remove deprecated function of Google Maps api opening_hours
  • Fix Hikashop product URL error
  • Fix Language dropdown for country based on language
  • Fix Edit from front end for non admin user

Version 4.2.2

  • Fix Translation sharing issue in some browsers

Version 4.2.1

  • Add Baidu Map integration
  • Fix Custom Field position
  • Fix Disable zoom and drag feature in OpenStreetMap

Version 4.2

  • Fix Language translation error
  • Add Joomsocial events integration in My Maps Location search

Version 4.1.10

  • Fix Jutranslation javascript fix

Version 4.1.9

  • Fix Fix ju updater fatal error in configuration

Version 4.1.8

  • Add List integration in module
  • Add Joomsocial events integration in My Maps Location search
  • Add Marker background color in locations field and csv import
  • Fix Extra field added in csv field as coloumn in format extrafield_fieldname_fieldtype
  • Fix Issue of easysocial multiple users search

Version 4.1.7

  • Fix Virtuemart advanced filter
  • Fix Google autocomplete not working
  • Fix Replace the media manager with file upload field on front-end in my map location edition

Version 4.1.6

  • Add Virtuemart integration, locate product closest search engine
  • Fix Hide route option not working
  • Fix K2 module image not loading
  • Fix Fatal error in Komento 3rd party extension
  • Fix Menu not loading on category + field backend page
  • Fix Display error if stats not enabled (on stat page view)

Version 4.1.5

  • Add Location report stats: location hits per month
  • Add Report stats: location top 10 nearest search request
  • Add Additional sql query framework to support custom sql and url
  • Fix Change csv format in extra field to support mailto and url field
  • Fix Fix umalet search not working in location fields
  • Fix Delete unpublish and thrash not working in joomla 3.9.1
  • Fix Enable country filter on backend field using Google Maps

Version 4.1.4

  • Add Open Street Map autocomplete integration on admin side
  • Add Bing Maps autocomplete integration on admin side

Version 4.1.3

  • Fix Bing Search autocomplete not working when country filter is applied

Version 4.1.2

  • Add Bing autocomplete can now be used with any map provider

Version 4.1.1

  • Add Put a location as featured to be on top of search results
  • Add Traffic map layer addition as option (menu)
  • Add Transit layer addition as option (menu)
  • Add Bycicling layer addition as option (menu)
  • Add KML custom layer addition as option (menu)
  • Fix Autogeocode popup not loaded
  • Fix Community builder plugin geolocation

Version 4.1.0

  • Add New design (HTML/CSS) for default theme
  • Add New design(HTML/CSS) for Full Width theme
  • Add New design(HTML/CSS) for Sidebar theme
  • Add ZOO component front end location submission
  • Add Extra field on front end submission

Version 4.0.4

  • Add Joomla standard helper layout override (in /html folder) automatic generation from settings

Version 4.0.3

  • Add Option to search by ZIP code
  • Fix Route search return error

Version 4.0.2

  • Fix Fatal error on few installations (getPagesLinks on null)

Version 4.0.1

  • Fix Alias issue in .csv import

Version 4.0

  • Add AJAX search request in location search by dafault, as option
  • Add Mapquest map source
  • Add Easyblog integration in for post location search
  • Add OpenStreetMap leaflet map
  • Add Bing Maps updated to latest version 8 with street view and cluster markers
  • Add More themes in Bing Maps
  • Add Full Screen Map allowed in Mapbox
  • Add Geojson integration for rendering faster Data
  • Add Mapbox gl js updated api for mapbox
  • Add Mapillary viewer in street view for Mapbox and OpenStreetMap
  • Add Add contact link in map infobox
  • Add Import - Export tag and extra fields
  • Fix Fatal error on configuration edit on older version of Joomla (less than J3.7)
  • Fix Flexicontent module to support Joomla article
  • Fix Infobox window formatting
  • Fix Easysocial sql query error
  • Fix Joomsocial adding badge,message and add friend
  • Fix Map search module integration of menu id from global configuration

Version 3.3.5

  • Fix Fatal error on Hikashop and Hikamarket
  • Fix Compatibility with older version of Joomla

Version 3.3.4

  • Add Joomla custom field integration displayed on location view
  • Fix Fatal error on tag modification when selecting an article in locations search

Version 3.3.3

  • Add Update the distance range slider
  • Fix Created one helper function and integrate all maps from helper.php
  • Fix Street view and search bar in locations view
  • Fix Language translation to remove the distance display

Version 3.3.2

  • Add My Testimonials integration: Search for testimonials
  • Add Default location icon can be added configuration.
  • Fix DJ classified integration returns a Mysql error
  • Fix Change Google Map JS API to v3.0 by default
  • Fix Autozoom in Bing Maps
  • Fix Unpublished alias in URL in router.php

Version 3.3.1

  • Fix Fix css stuffs and add language string

Version 3.3.0

  • Add Material design for locations management
  • Add Parameter to hide distance and route
  • Add Mutiple country restriction to fit new Google API
  • Fix Category saving return fatal error on Joomla 3.7

Version 3.2.6

  • Fix Language save not working in JU translation
  • Fix Article option url not working properly
  • Fix Fix notice on content plugin

Version 3.2.5

  • Fix Language not loaded on content and k2 plugin

Version 3.2.4

  • Fix Fatal error when on kml import

Version 3.2.3

  • Fix Translation button not clickable after language update

Version 3.2.2

  • Add HTTPS related issue related with Google API
  • Fix Fatal error when saving location in some cases

Version 3.2.1

  • Add JU Translation Integration
  • Add JoomClassified Integration
  • Add User can add custom latitude and longitude on configuration
  • Fix Meta keyword and description and title of single location
  • Fix Category of location ACL access

Version 3.2.0

  • Add Article integration (plugin): add location to Joomla articles
  • Add Geolocation turn off in global configuration for non HTTPS website
  • Add Zoo Integration using system plugin to work on adding new content
  • Add DJclassified category child search
  • Fix Order by field for address in Community Builder for better geolocation
  • Fix Tag arranged in alphabetical order

Version 3.1.5

  • Add Create city search list using ajax after country state dropdown
  • Add Added a default google map key parameter
  • Add Update theme design for sidebar and full width themes
  • Fix Category filter appear on specific language
  • Fix Layout improvement on sidebar and fulll width layout
  • Fix Fix autocomplete not working on map search module

Version 3.1.4

  • Add Click on location logo in sidebar open the infowindow on the map
  • Fix Update integration of Google Maps API key to fit new Google API rules

Version 3.1.3

  • Add Phone field in address format form
  • Add Option to add additional field in tooltip address for Community Builder
  • Fix Language files help tooltips
  • Fix Error in K2 module

Version 3.1.2

  • Add My map location category integration with Item rating group
  • Fix Update integration of cluster markers to fit new Google API version

Version 3.1.1

  • Add JoomClassified integration, geolocate and search for elements
  • Add Adsmanager integration, geolocate and search for elements
  • Add Add an icon field in category and get the icon from category by default
  • Fix Single Quote return error on my map location search
  • Fix Update integration of cluster markers

Version 3.1.0

  • Add Date field in event search for Ohanah events
  • Fix K2 Tag search not working properly
  • Fix Validation form on adding location
  • Fix Blank page on Groupjive installation (Community Builder)
  • Fix Javascript error for getcenter on Google Maps

Version 3.0.9

  • Add Hikashop vendor map module (display map with vendors in a module)
  • Add Possibility to use JS to get coordinates from google API apart from Curl and file get content
  • Add Calendar field in event booking search
  • Fix Reverse Geocoding from latitude/longitude in locations edit and add form
  • Fix Info window title not displayed properly
  • Fix Marker cluster javascript and fix https error on images
  • Fix CSS layout and styling to match template css

Version 3.0.8

  • Fix Event Booking extension integration with location on multiple category broken
  • Fix Link broken on Joomsocial, Community Builder and other integrations

Version 3.0.7

  • Add Map Box integration, call Map Box as map source
  • Fix Search by publish date and end date in k2
  • Fix Fatal error in FlexiContent display
  • Fix Display user name in Community Builder
  • Fix Hour field not saved in k2

Version 3.0.6

  • Add FLexicontent integration with creation of dedicated FlexiContent field
  • Add Added Tag search and category features from flexicontent data
  • Add Added the rating of flexicontent in sidebar result view
  • Add Order and limit field in map module for k2, Flexicontent and My Maps location

Version 3.0.5

  • Add Front End location submission
  • Add Item rating integration, display rating on sidebar view
  • Add Add k2 advanced search
  • Add Add k2 module option to select item automatically on category view
  • Fix Add k2 image option to display images from k2 item
  • Fix Fix zoo language error
  • Fix Add icon of Event Booking on map
  • Add Add profile type category in Joomsocial search
  • Add Add Tag search in hikamarket product search

Version 3.0.4

  • Add Zoo CCK integration, geolocate Zoo items
  • Add Integration of Google places data, add a Google places and fill it automatically
  • Add Order places in menu by name, order and distance
  • Fix Current language not shown in Google route and in whole map automatically
  • Fix Resize map set to center for responsive views
  • Fix K2 icon and image on map
  • Fix Option to select Hikashop category with dropdown through Hikashop parameter

Version 3.0.3

  • Add K2 Tag system integration used for search
  • Add Parameter to add Route through Google Maps to support direct android map on mobile device
  • Add Support to Ohanah upcoming events search
  • Add Support to Ohanah event booking upcoming events
  • Fix Support to Vendor contact link in hikamarket

Version 3.0.2

  • Add New icon set
  • Fix Automatic updater and changelog

Version 3.0.1

  • Fix Theme CSS
  • Fix SQL error on location file import

Version 3.0.0

  • Add 3 templates, activate through a menu element
  • Add Auto complete location name search bar
  • Add Option for hiding route and text boix search on my map location configuration
  • Add Scrollable map
  • Add Hide tag for components other then my map location
  • Add Option for hiding route
  • Fix Minor issue of JavaScript error on address
  • Fix Hikashop/Hikamarket wrong link direction
  • Fix Fatal error on not selecting data in community builder
  • Fix Stripping of slashes when some comma is added in address
  • Fix Bing map JavaScript not loading
  • Fix Better CSS to logo inside info window

Version 2.3.1

  • Add ID in csv import export
  • Add Redesign import panel
  • Add Loader when import is in progress
  • Fix K2 category thrashed still displayed in some case
  • Fix Multi language K2 categories filter
  • Fix Hide my map location category drop down showing on Jomsocial
  • Fix Remove @ini_set from installer.php
  • Fix Icon error in Bing map

Version 2.3.0

  • Add Implement jQuery and Joomla tag library
  • Fix Tag view layout and define in parameter
  • Fix Issue with content plugin of my map location not working
  • Fix Version issue in CB plugin of my map location

Version 2.2.14

  • Add Contact link in k2 Plugin
  • Fix Force tab in Joomsocial tab to reinitialize the map
  • Fix Check if latitude longitude is blank in k2 field
  • Fix Put [SPACE] variable in post code
  • Fix Community Builder address Handling

Version 2.2.13

  • Fix Location icon not displayed anymore
  • Fix Created address parameter for user to format address in my map location backend
  • Fix Better Geocoding handling
  • Fix Autogeocode popup activation must need to have no address in search box
  • Fix Remove location string from my map location view

Version 2.2.12

  • Fix If location catgeory is disabled then hide locations on map
  • Fix K2 layout issue
  • Fix Better SEO with one page URL per location search
  • Fix Bing map layout
  • Fix Multiple Bing map not visible on location page
  • Fix Full width height of map background if resolution is above 980px

Version 2.2.11

  • Fix Search limit query
  • Fix Latest CB version compatibility

Version 2.2.10

  • Fix Icon vanish on multi language
  • Fix .csv parser class and update the import classes

Version 2.2.9

  • Add Default height width if its not set to percentage original
  • Add jquery function to load on google map in module
  • Add Map theme in k2 plugin
  • Add Hikamarket vendor support
  • Fix Blank title on my map location
  • Fix Phone and hour not visible in k2
  • Fix When category is selected to all and map not showing

Version 2.2.7 & 2.2.8

  • Add Noconflict jquery on admin assets.js
  • Add Fix Import mysql error
  • Fix language of editor xtd plugin

Version 2.2.6

  • Add Easy social member search using menu
  • Add Separate 2.5 version (bug fix only) and 3.x version for enhancements

Version 2.2.5

  • Add Country and states filtering
  • Add Text color for markers
  • Add import/export categories
  • Add Phone number as separated field in locations
  • Fix Dropdown list filter transparency

Version 2.2.4

  • Add Map design choice
  • Add .kml files import export
  • Add .csv files import export
  • Add Community builder 1.x + 2.x support in single package
  • Add Disable bootstrap by default
  • Add Frontend design and images optimize
  • Add Multi level for location categories

Version 2.2.3

  • Add Meta desc and keyword on locations
  • Add Community builder 2 support
  • Add Joomla ACL on category integration
  • Add Location list text hidden if only one location
  • Fix Create a centralized function for loading of map so you avoid multiple javascript error
  • Fix Back button disable if no referrer
  • Fix Back button disable if no referrer
  • Fix SQL error when param not set in CB plugin

Version 2.2.2

  • Add Community builder module to display CB members
  • Add Community builder icon sync on both module and component
  • Fix SQL error on multilingual community builder websites, not able to search
  • Fix Icon not appearing on map
  • Fix French translation file
  • Fix Javascript error of multiple js on my map location locations page

Version 2.2.1

  • Fix SQL error when country is selected and the address is not added in menu item
  • Fix Sync option to take care of category language and alias

Version 2.2.0

  • Add Advanced parameter to restrict the search queries to a specific country using an ISO code
  • Add User location added as green icon
  • Add Sync button used to sync hikamarket vendor location and data import
  • Fix Google geocode issue
  • Fix Bing map improvement
  • Fix My Maps location module will now take order of map using item ordering

Version 2.1.9

  • Add Parameter configuration to disable autozoom + auto adjust of map
  • Fix Autogeolocate endless loop on chrome
  • Fix Image issue when sef url is not enabled
  • Fix My Maps location module will now take order of map using item ordering

Version 2.1.7 to 2.1.8

  • Add Update notification script
  • Fix Marker centering keeping minimum zoom in settings
  • Fix Width of autocomplete

Version 2.1.6

  • Add HTTPS support to my maplocation and fixed mixing content issue
  • Add Dating search fields to be displayed in the search view
  • Add K2 Category filter instead of My Maps location filter on search view
  • Fix Issue of blank map on k2 with latitude and longitude 0
  • Fix Issue of joomsocial user shown up with blank entries 255.0000

Version 2.1.5

  • Fix A language ascociation searching (Thanx to Xavier)
  • Fix Caching related searching issue
  • Fix JGLOBAL_SELECT_AN_OPTION in joomla 2.5 is replaced by locations
  • Fix Children category issue: if user search for a parent category he can see the result of child category as well
  • Fix Change place holder language text

Version 2.1.3 to 2.1.4

  • Fix Community Builder map display
  • Fix CB config respecteing plugin config
  • Fix Rockettheme templates compatibility

Version 2.1.2

  • Add Limit the number of result in menu
  • Fix Wrong distance calculation when using DMS
  • Fix Error component not found fixed when my map location is called without a menu
  • Fix Blank map when space on address
  • Add CB plugin, option to autogeocode so no map field is required
  • Add Map type option including zoom type height and width of the map
  • Fix Warning notice in the plugin

Version 2.1.1

  • Add Parameters organization in a new tab
  • Fix Geocoding error with Bing and Google Maps
  • Fix English and French language

Version 2.1.0

  • Fix  Language plugin error
  • Fix  Km to miles change problem
  • Add Start integration with 3rd party extension (plugin system)

Version 2.0.5

  • Fix  Contact button display in bootstrap
  • Fix  Modal button for Yootheme template
  • Add 

Version 2.0.4

  • Add MML module add the abaility to add All/single category or select location
  • Add  Botstrap activation
  • Add Fix   Language file backend update
  • Add  Location switcher on detailled view
  • Fix  Automatically the Google Maps language reagarding Joomla language

Version 2.0.3

  • Fix Contact button display in bootstrap
  • Fix  Modal button for Yootheme template
  • Fix  Language string in component and menu default map loading

Version 2.0.2

  • Add  Cluster system to group nearby location

Version 2.0.1

  • Add  Possibility to call content plugin in location description
  • Add  Possibility to enable the category filter in the search module
  • Add 

Version 2.0.0

  • Add  Editor button with multiple location selection
  • Add  Automatic zoom level
  • Add  Microdata integration
  • Add  Menu configuration
  • Add K2 integration with a new module
  • Add  Module parameters to filter content
  • Add CSS improvement

Version 1.3.5 to 1.3.6

  • Add Bing Maps support in Map module

Version 1.3.4

  • Fix  Contact button display in bootstrap
  • Fix  Modal button for Yootheme template
  • Fix  Layout div issue on joomla 2.5.14
  • Add  Hour and phone fiels
  • Fix CSS layout of the detailled location view
  • Add  Toggle view functionality which can generate panorama for end user

Version 1.3.3

  • Fix  Contact button display in bootstrap
  • Fix  Modal button for Yootheme template
  • Fix  Mender map from google map in module
  • Fix  Tag used in language which cause problem in auto complete field
  • Add  Specific CSS related to specific template provider

Version 1.3.2

  • Fix  Problem map display if user put space or semicolon in the address field

Version 1.3.1

  • Add  Possibility to display a map with different point with a short code

Version 1.3.0

  • Add  Rebuild frontend view with responsive design
  • Add  Possibility to cahnge the frontend background
  • Add  Reorder elements in backend

Version 1.2.0

  • Add  Auto geolocation in Frontend

Version 1.1.2

  • Add  Frontend autolocationChange default params
  • Add  Change zoom default level
  • Add  Redesign editor button

Version 1.1.0

  • Add K2 elements location support

Version 1.0.0

  • Add Initial release
  • Add