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Amazon S3 integration and WordPress media offload

The Amazon S3 integration with WP Media Folder adds the possibility to automatically upload (offload) your entire WordPress media library to Amazon S3. Get rid of your server limitation with media (by applying the option to remove media after Amazon upload). Of course, you also have the option of using a backup to restore your WordPress media library. What's more, the Amazon S3 offload comes in the same addon with the Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive Personal, OneDrive Business connections, as well as a PDF embed feature! For more features, get back to the main plugin page WP Media Folder >>

Automatically offload WordPress media to Amazon S3

Automatically offload WordPress media to Amazon S3

Once you have connected WP Media Folder with Amazon S3 you will be able to offload your existing WordPress media library to your S3 bucket. Moreover, any new media you upload will be automatically and instantly sent to Amazon S3 as a background process. And if you add your Amazon S3 media to your WordPress posts or pages, they will appear just like normal WordPress media, without any difference from the usual media library… apart from loading ways faster!

Media library Offload from WordPress to Amazon S3

Instead of copying your media library to Amazon S3 you can also remove the media uploaded from your server, and keep it ONLY on Amazon S3 (offload). This is a real WordPress media library offload.
Media library Offload from WordPress to Amazon S3
Manage your Amazon S3 buckets from your WordPress media library

Manage your Amazon S3 buckets from your WordPress media library

From the WordPress Amazon S3 plugin's configuration, you can create, delete and select the S3 bucket where you want to store your media. You can also copy all the files from an Amazon S3 bucket to another bucket.

Retrieve all media from Amazon S3 to WordPress

Do you want to revert the media offload process? We've got that covered too. You can bring back your media from Amazon S3 over to your local media library at any time. All former links added in your content will remain in place (so there will be no broken links) while all media will be stored back on your server. You also have an additional tool to import all folders and files from a S3 bucket to the WordPress media library.
Retrieve all media from Amazon S3 to WordPress
Amazon CloudFront Integration with WordPress

Amazon CloudFront Integration with WordPress

Amazon CloudFront is a fast content delivery network (CDN) service. CloudFront is integrated with AWS, which means that once Amazon S3 is connected with your WordPress blog, it takes just one setting to activate CloudFront on WordPress. All your media links will then be hidden behind the Amazon CDN.

Bring the Amazon S3 performance to WordPress

Amazon S3 is one of the world's fastest web media delivery services, used by companies such as Netflix and Airbnb. Amazon S3 also has a very high availability (99.99%) and is a low-cost solution for large media libraries as the price is based on usage. You can harness all that power in your WordPress installation website by offloading all your media!
Bring the Amazon S3 performance to WordPress
Embed PDF from Amazon S3 bucket in the WordPress content

Embed PDF from Amazon S3 bucket in the WordPress content

WP Media Folder comes with an inbuilt PDF embedded feature. The Amazon S3 integration allows you to embed (integrate and display in WordPress content) your PDFs stored on any Amazon S3 bucket. All PDF embedded features are supported, including pagination, zoom, rotation and many others.

How does The Amazon S3 offload connection works?

Don't worry, you don't have to be a developer to ensure that it works. All you have to do is create an Amazon S3 Access Key, which only takes a minute, and copy and paste that information in the WP Media Folder configuration. Finally, there's also the online documentation, and our support team is available to help you with the configuration and the media offload process.
How does The Amazon S3 offload connection works?
Embed PDF from Amazon S3 bucket in the WordPress content

Connect 3rd party CDNs to serve your Amazon S3 media

Amazon CloudFront is handled as mentioned, but it's also the case for other CDNs. WP Media Folder supports Wasabi CDN DigitalOcean CDN and Google Cloud CDN.

All your media links will then be hidden behind one of those CDN.

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Average rating for WP Media Folder, JoomUnited is 4.9 Star of 5 stars - based on 226 Reviews