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Dropfiles changelog

Last update : 06 Sep 2024

Version 6.4.1

  • Fix Conflict issue with Gantry 5 template
  • Fix Moving multiple files

Version 6.4.0

  • Add Implement Dropbox push notification
  • Fix Custom icon option not working
  • Fix Open PDF in browser issue in tree theme
  • Fix File ordering with drag and drop not working
  • Fix Delete file option not working in admin

Version 6.3.5

  • Fix Selecting custom image does not work on Joomla 5.1

Version 6.3.4

  • Fix OneDrive Business sync error

Version 6.3.3

  • Fix Error when downloading a big Google Drive file

Version 6.3.2

  • Add Pagination option for file listing on front-end
  • Fix Download all button in tree theme
  • Fix Column display filter issue in table theme

Version 6.3.1

  • Fix Wrong language string
  • Fix Breadcrumb not working
  • Fix Hide empty categories in table theme

Version 6.3.0

  • Add Possibility to import local server files and folders into Dropfiles
  • Add Possibility to export Dropfiles files and categories from one server to another
  • Add Possibility to import Dropfiles files and categories from another server

Version 6.2.4

  • Fix Table layout style issue
  • Fix Insert category error in Joomla 3

Version 6.2.3

  • Add Joomla 5 support
  • Fix Some styles issue on Joomla 4

Version 6.2.2

  • Fix Conflict with Akeeba AdminTools

Version 6.2.1

  • Fix jDownload importer on Joomla 4
  • Fix Conflict with Yootheme
  • Fix Error when adding category

Version 6.2.0

  • Add New Dropfiles Preview theme
  • Fix Preview large video file
  • Fix Some warnings on PHP 8.2

Version 6.1.7

  • Add  Possibility to display a message when a Dropfiles category is empty
  • Fix Warning when using cloned theme

Version 6.1.6

  • Fix Hit counter does not work with OneDrive file
  • Fix Reset filter issue in the search file form
  • Fix Error when select custom icon for file in Joomla 4.3
  • Fix Some warnings on PHP 8.1

Version 6.1.5

  • Fix Missing Psr/Http/Client package for OneDriveBusiness

Version 6.1.4

  • Fix Share translation file error on J4
  • Fix Some warnings in PHP 8.1

Version 6.1.3

  • Add Dropfiles category block for SP Page Builder
  • Add Dropfiles single file block for SP Page Builder

Version 6.1.2

  • Fix Preview video is not working in some cases

Version 6.1.1

  • Fix Conflict CommerceLab Shop
  • Fix Error on frontend search
  • Fix JoomUnited file previewer doesn't work as expected when there are too many files

Version 6.1.0

  • Add Introducing JoomUnited file previewer, a fast and stable document viewer
  • Add Select either JoomUnited or Google file previewer
  • Add File format handled: ai,csv,doc,docx,html,json,odp,ods,pdf,ppt,rtf,sketch,xd,xls,xlsx,xml
  • Add Fallback to the Google previewer in case a file preview failed
  • Add Fallback to the Google previewer in case preview file format is not available

Version 6.0.4

  • Fix Connect OneDrive Business error in some sites
  • Fix Potential Upgrade Issue warning in Pre-Update Check for Joomla 4

Version 6.0.3

  • Fix Sync OneDrive Business issue
  • Fix Update pdfparser library for PHP 8 compatibility
  • Fix Style issue in manage files view on Joomla 4 frontend

Version 6.0.2

  • Add Possibility to search file with Smart search in Joomla 4
  • Add Possibility to track download, preview file using Google analytics
  • Add Permission to upload file(s) on frontend
  • Fix Upload file(s) issue on frontend
  • Fix Missing OneDrive files in the latest files module
  • Fix OneDrive Business sync issue on front-end
  • Fix Missing restrict single user checking when downloading file

Version 6.0.1

  • Fix Fatal error in Joomla global configuration -> Dropfiles

Version 6.0.0

  • Add Automatic configuration for Google Drive connection
  • Add Automatic configuration for Dropbox connection
  • Add Automatic configuration for Onedrive and Onedrive Business connection

Version 5.9.3

  • Add Update to Dropbox API v2

Version 5.9.2

  • Fix Upload form display issue
  • Fix Google Drive sync error from version 5.9.1
  • Fix Download all button in default theme

Version 5.9.1

  • Fix Can't select all category in Joomla 4 when creating list files menu item
  • Fix Error when editing file on front-end file manager
  • Fix Some warnings in PHP 8

Version 5.9.0

  • Add Implement OneDrive Business changes notification
  • Fix Layout style of manage files in front-end
  • Fix Table theme loading not hide if sub-categories disabled

Version 5.8.7

  • Fix Open pdf link in single file layout and OneDrive file category
  • Fix Some style issues on file manage view on front-end

Version 5.8.6

  • Fix File multiple categories saving on Joomla 4
  • Fix Uncheck all button of files importer not working on Joomla 4
  • Fix Reorder files not working on Joomla 4

Version 5.8.5

  • Fix Window size of the Dropfiles when inserting files into article

Version 5.8.4

  • Fix Upload file error in some cases with Dropfiles on Joomla 4
  • Fix Some warnings in PHP 8

Version 5.8.3

  • Fix Google Drive sync error in some case
  • Fix File category front-end editing error in Joomla 4

Version 5.8.2

  • Fix Default category theme error

Version 5.8.1

  • Fix Some errors on Joomla 3.10
  • Fix Display issue on safari for selected file
  • Fix Icon and text alignment on Joomla 4

Version 5.8.0

  • Add OneDrive Business: Synchronize files from OneDrive to Joomla
  • Add OneDrive Business: Synchronize files from Joomla to OneDrive
  • Fix Missing language string
  • Fix File name issue when downloading file category
  • Fix Download file with single user access
  • Fix Insert into article using DropEditor

Version 5.7.10

  • Fix Error class 'DropfilesBase' not found in Dropfiles configuration
  • Fix Add remote file dialog

Version 5.7.9

  • Fix Wrong parent category when saving category parameters

Version 5.7.8

  • Add Joomla 4 RC compatible
  • Fix Sync with Google Drive manually

Version 5.7.7

  • Fix Cloned theme parameters
  • Fix Delete file version on front-end

Version 5.7.6

  • Fix Google Drive file download not working

Version 5.7.5

  • Add PHP 8 compatibility
  • Fix OneDrive sync function

Version 5.7.4

  • Fix Import from Docman function
  • Fix Missing language constant

Version 5.7.3

  • Fix Missing download all button in sub category
  • Fix Download file error on iPhone

Version 5.7.2

  • Fix Category filter in Dropfiles search module

Version 5.7.1

  • Add New design for Dropfiles file search module
  • Fix Error when go in System -> Global configuration -> Dropfiles
  • Fix Search engine: do not allowed to enter tags that do not exist
  • Fix Only display remote file input in right panel if it's a remote file

Version 5.7.0

  • Add New design for file search engine
  • Add Search engine: root category selection with quick filtering
  • Add Search engine: file tag suggestion based on existing tag only
  • Add File search results with column display selection

Version 5.6.0

  • Add Possibility to track user downloads (option needs to be turned On)
  • Add Frontend: Add a button to download all the files from a category as a .zip
  • Add Download selected file on frontend

Version 5.5.1

  • Fix Load file params on search result in admin
  • Fix Remote url is truncated at 100 characters
  • Fix Wrong access to configuration page
  • Fix Cannot enter value for color input
  • Fix Apply default theme parameters for category when switch category theme

Version 5.5.0

  • Add File multi-category: Load file in multiple categories
  • Add Edit one master file to update other files in multi-categories
  • Add Category status inherited: sub-categories will automatically have parent category access right
  • Add Category status inherited: default status 'Inherited' applied to all new categories
  • Fix Missing description, tags when copy file to other category

Version 5.4.1

  • Fix Can't add a new category
  • Fix Open Google Drive file in tree theme not working

Version 5.4.0

  • Add New categories themes layout
  • Fix Some cloned themes parameters not applied
  • Fix Folder tree not properly working with multiple instance of categories

Version 5.3.5

  • Fix Error when adding category on version 5.3.4

Version 5.3.4

  • Fix Button watch change not working
  • Fix Duplicate cloud categories when using Google Drive push notification

Version 5.3.3

  • Fix Hide empty categories cause performance issue in case large number of files
  • Fix Dropbox manually sync endless in some case
  • Fix Timeout error when update extension

Version 5.3.2

  • Fix Missing local file on query

Version 5.3.1

  • Fix Disconnect from Dropbox doesn't work
  • Fix Import button from Docman doesn't work
  • Fix Hide empty categories feature for cloud category

Version 5.3.0

  • Add New back-end UX design
  • Add New UX for extension's configuration page
  • Add New UI statistics design
  • Add Possibility to select several files at once with MAJ (SHIFT) key
  • Add New setting: do not display empty folders on frontend
  • Add New {uploader_username} variable for email notification

Version 5.2.8

  • Fix Preview video can not be played back when click on stop
  • Fix Warning on PHP 7.4

Version 5.2.7

  • Fix Translation sharing issue in some browsers

Version 5.2.6

  • Fix Google Drive sync process stop before finish in some case
  • Fix Meta keywords on menu item metadata don't work

Version 5.2.5

  • Add Apply columns parameter on file listing (default theme)
  • Fix Missing non UTF-8 characters in file name on download

Version 5.2.4

  • Fix Bootbox issue at manage files on front-end
  • Fix Wrong position of editor buttons in file description field
  • Fix Wrong file version id
  • Fix Responsive on mobile for left tree on themes on front-end
  • Fix Root category name in left tree not display when disable option Show category name
  • Fix Wrong category type when update from very old version

Version 5.2.3

  • Add Apply columns parameter for list files menu
  • Fix Hit counter don't work with remote file

Version 5.2.2

  • Add Columns setting for the default layout
  • Fix Missing file video.js for preview media file
  • Fix Phocadownload categories tree in import tool
  • Fix Reloading page with hash in tree theme not working

Version 5.2.1

  • Add Add Item ID to Dropfiles search module
  • Fix Search in file description when WYSIWYG text editor enabled
  • Fix Back to previous page problem in front-end files manage page
  • Fix Translate problem for some notify in files manage page

Version 5.2.0

  • Add Use Webhook to sync with Google Drive in real time
  • Add Google Drive legacy synchronization (new method require Google Search Console validation)
  • Add Update to Google Drive SDK V3 and remove SDK V2
  • Add Button to On/Off Google Drive push notification
  • Add Notify popup about other sync progress is running
  • Add Possibility to select multiple users for single file access
  • Fix jDownload file importer
  • Fix File old version download and restore

Version 5.1.8

  • Fix Security fix: Update PDFParser library

Version 5.1.7

  • Fix Fix wrong Google Drive id used in tree
  • Fix Update FAQ link

Version 5.1.6

  • Add Add background hover color for single file in frontend
  • Fix Duplicate slash in translate file URL
  • Fix Wrong theme params in frontend
  • Fix Turn off ajax cron running on frontend when cloud not connected
  • Fix Update Google Drive document link
  • Fix Seach indexer not working
  • Fix Error when no category selected in backend
  • Fix Google Drive autoload function name
  • Fix Google Drive folder still display when disconnected

Version 5.1.5

  • Fix Add Please created folder text when there is no category created
  • Fix Change redirect url for Azure Portal

Version 5.1.4

  • Fix Error on front search when selected category hasn't sub categories
  • Fix Single user restriction problem
  • Fix Wrong jquery-ui url

Version 5.1.3

  • Fix Frontend search module after code rewriting
  • Fix Custom icon in themes not loaded

Version 5.1.2

  • Fix List files with All categories selected not working

Version 5.1.1

  • Add Using PHPCS to make standard definitions
  • Fix Preview files in new tab and lightbox problem
  • Fix Upload file version for OneDrive
  • Fix Dropbox synchronization progress issue
  • Fix Permission (access) not applied on search results
  • Fix Send duplicate email to additional email when file downloaded

Version 5.1.0

  • Add Possibility to duplicate a theme from existing
  • Add Possibility to override the single file php layout
  • Add Enhancement of file uploader
  • Fix Error when category is ordered by file type
  • Fix Warning on php 7.3
  • Fix Wrong font family usage in single file display
  • Fix Console log error on statistics page
  • Fix Date format translation for google charts on statistics page

Version 5.0.14

  • Fix Category drag and drop problem
  • Fix Search OneDrive files
  • Fix Wrong date format in latest files module
  • Fix Can not preview on category with special characters
  • Fix Update handlebars to v4.1.0
  • Fix Cloud files not displayed on JCE editor link button

Version 5.0.13

  • Fix Conflict Google Drive class name
  • Fix Category params can not save in some case

Version 5.0.12

  • Fix Import jDownload
  • Fix Warning on php 7.2
  • Fix Search index file on php 7.2

Version 5.0.11

  • Fix Warning Invalid field: published
  • Fix Load duplicate sub folders in the frontlist view
  • Fix Wrong user in email notification

Version 5.0.10

  • Add Generate a link that can be copied per file

Version 5.0.9

  • Fix Warning in PHP 7.2
  • Fix Max file limit when sync with Google Drive
  • Fix Search file error when using checkbox tags

Version 5.0.8

  • Fix Auto sync for OneDrive
  • Fix Add animate when select a category
  • Fix Table layout
  • Fix Public group download permission on new install
  • Fix Nestable2 problem on Firefox
  • Fix Missing view on dropfiles modal on create article in frontend
  • Fix Addslashes on tags list
  • Fix Deleting a category doesn't reload tree view

Version 5.0.7

  • Fix Date error on search in file manager
  • Fix Search results not returning files in child category

Version 5.0.6

  • Add Dropfiles links plugin for JCE
  • Fix Allow to upload files with same name
  • Fix Remove limit of 30 files on upload
  • Fix Links in pop up setting does not apply
  • Fix Cloud automatic synchronization

Version 5.0.5

  • Add Possibility to run full document content index for plain text search (settings)
  • Fix Download popup link not working
  • Fix CSS for download icon align

Version 5.0.4

  • Fix Import from Phocadownload return wrong parent category id
  • Fix CSS search results navigation
  • Fix Wrong parameters order in search
  • Fix Mising allowed ext and download button on frontview
  • Fix Download all in file listing from a menu not working
  • Fix fix css file manage not work
  • Fix Fix preview mp3 file can't play back
  • Fix Fix selectall in List Files menutype not working

Version 5.0.3

  • Fix Download file in frontend management view doesn't work
  • Fix Missing download button in the upload files view
  • Fix Button save article don't work on front-end if Dropfiles search module is loaded

Version 5.0.2

  • Add Use resumable.js to upload large files (heavier than php.ini value)
  • Add Code reformating using PHPCS to make standard definitions

Version 5.0.1

  • Fix Grey out unpublished file issue in files management on front-end
  • Fix Missing language constant
  • Fix Change file size unit to uppercase
  • Fix Import from Phoca download
  • Fix Duplicate search result when using Google Drive integration

Version 5.0.0

  • Add OneDrive: Synchronize files from OneDrive to Joomla
  • Add OneDrive: Synchronize files from Joomla to OneDrive
  • Add Admin UX: Add notification system on actions: file and categories add, edit, delete, order
  • Fix Cloud synchronization update with subfolders
  • Fix Category access based on user owner

Version 4.5.3

  • Fix Reorder files in Dropbox category issue
  • Fix When you drag a file category, the category name goes under
  • Fix When you change the theme, the group is removed from the ACL

Version 4.5.2

  • Fix Dropfiles options page broken when using an old version (1.9.x) of jDownload component
  • Fix Wrong modified date and created date of the files in Google Drive and Dropbox
  • Fix Some categories don't appear in the category parameter in Listing file menu
  • Fix Wrong ordering files in latest file module

Version 4.5.1

  • Fix eDocman mass import issue
  • Fix Download link color parameter in table layout don't apply
  • Fix Sorting files does not apply in front-end file management
  • Fix Search issue and get all tags function
  • Fix Some issues in module latest files ordering

Version 4.5.0

  • Add Phoca Download file importer
  • Add New file access option in user group permission: View Only or View and Download
  • Add From frontend, if allowed (logged in) display a Manage Files button
  • Add Direct download option on themes that open popup to download files
  • Add Dedicated module to load: Latest files uploaded, updated plus ordering options

Version 4.4.3

  • Fix file don't open correctly in tree theme
  • Fix some issues in manage view on front-end

Version 4.4.2

  • Fix Super administrator Email notification always ON
  • Fix Drag category handles not displayed
  • Fix Ordring icon in file searching
  • Fix File uncheck does not work unless you reload the whole page

Version 4.4.1

  • Fix SQL Injection issue
  • Fix File ordering with drag and drop is broken
  • Fix Search file in backend style

Version 4.4.0

  • Add New admin design, left column can be resized
  • Add Frontend: 4 new theme design, improved performance and file navigation
  • Add Theme selection: on mouse hover display a theme preview image
  • Add Search/filter engine for files and categories in admin
  • Add Copy/Cut/Paste/Uncheck icons on top left of the file list
  • Add Flip icon on top right of the files to show/hide the right column
  • Add Hide columns automatically when the screen size goes smaller
  • Add When navigate through categories, add a suffix in the URLs (to share category URLs)
  • Fix fix import Docman

Version 4.3.3

  • Fix folder tree with multiple categories issue

Version 4.3.2

  • Fix Calendar fix due to Joomla 3.7 update
  • Fix Custom icon don't apply on Joomla 3.7

Version 4.3.1

  • Add Joomla 3.7 compatible
  • Fix File history limit don't erase old files versions
  • Fix PHP7 warning
  • Fix Duplicate files on frontend when display multiple categories
  • Fix Language string missing

Version 4.3.0

  • Add jDownloads importer: Import file categories, files, title and description
  • Add Edocman importer: Import file categories, files, title and description
  • Add Possibility to limit the file versioning count from 0 to 100
  • Add Add the possibility to restore old file version in one click

Version 4.2.2

  • Add Enhance builtin translation tool

Version 4.2.1

  • Add Enhance language version detection
  • Fix Sort tag by order (Joomla native tag ordering)
  • Fix Docman importer error on setting save

Version 4.2.0

  • Add Docman importer: Import Docman categories and files (documents)
  • Add Add a possibility to disable the full text search
  • Add Add the possibility to open PDF in new browser tab
  • Add Add the possibility to change date format
  • Add Add the possibility to change category owner

Version 4.1.5

  • Add Built in JU Translation tool

Version 4.1.4

  • Fix Double click on tree theme load files twice
  • Fix Category name lengh in backend crop
  • Fix Inherited access from parent category
  • Fix Restricted download file with user group from search engine
  • Fix Search file with user group limitation
  • Fix Sync Dropbox

Version 4.1.3

  • Fix Add author for file

Version 4.1.2

  • Fix Pagination not applied on search and filter
  • Fix Access category by user group not applied on search engine

Version 4.1.1

  • Fix Disable send email by default

Version 4.1.0

  • Add Notification system: possibility to notify users on file upload, remove, edit, download
  • Add Notification admin user, to custom Email and file owner
  • Add Tag for custom notification Email content: file name, file category, website URL, username
  • Add Custom icon on files with automatic thumbnail
  • Add Close button for media preview

Version 4.0.1

  • Fix Rename Dropbox file from Dropbox and from Dropfiles

Version 4.0.0

  • Add Dropbox integration: two way synchronization
  • Add When a file is not published, reduce opcity in listing (admin side)

Version 3.3.2

  • Fix Time zone applied on file publication

Version 3.3.1

  • Fix Search module doesn't refresh the new selected tags in checkbox filters
  • Fix Unpublished files displayed
  •  Auto publish when upload a new file

Version 3.3.0

  • Add Edit update/creation date
  • Add File publication state and date
  • Add Add an upload form with predefined category for upload
  • Add Category view restriction per Joomla user group, not just access level
  • Add Possibility to edit remote download files information
  • Add Google Drive files index in database for speed display in listing and search views
  • Add Add link to preview a file when it's inserted as a single file
  • Add Add download statistics dashboard with graph, filter by date, category and files

Version 3.2.3

  • Fix Style for Insert file and Insert category buttons
  • Fix Click theme button in Dropfiles manager at front-end

Version 3.2.2

  • Fix Return a Null parameter on fresh installation

Version 3.2.1

  • Fix Installation database wrong query

Version 3.2.0

  • Add Add WYSIWYG editor in file description as an option
  • Add Add indexation for Google Drive files
  • Add Possibility to restrict file display / category per Joomla user
  • Add Possibility to copy or move files (copy/cut/paste) from one categories to another
  • Add Admin CSS new design for theme selection and UX

Version 3.1.3

  • Fix updater was not using a https address

Version 3.1.2

  • Fix warning when update component
  • Fix issue when display Google Drive category using menu

Version 3.1.1

  • Fix front.css file is not loaded when the viewer is not used

Version 3.1.0

  • Add Add remote file
  • Add Dedicated menu and template to manage files on frontend
  • Add Add the menu to display one or multiple categories
  • Add New admin CSS design
  • Add Merge Dropfiles component and theme

Version 3.0.3

  • Fix Delete categories multiple level at once (Joomla 3.4.6 bug)

Version 3.0.2

  • Fix Delete categories incorrectly

Version 3.0.1

  • Fix Add filetype column in backend

Version 3.0.0

  • Add The folder tree navigation
  • Add Ability to add and manage Joomla tag when editing a file
  • Add Single file insertion new design
  • Add New icon set and frontend design for theme
  • Fix Remove old updater notification
  • Fix Breadcrumb for category navigation

Version 2.3.4

  • Fix Avoid Joomla file checking
  • Fix Google drive doesn't save the file settings

Version 2.3.3

  • Fix File viewer issue when insert single file into article
  • Fix Google viewer issue in new lightbox and missing close tag in xml file
  • Fix Google viewer issue when category is private
  • Fix Issue in google drive sync function
  • Fix Category special character in name issue (contain &)
  • Fix Check category access level in search results

Version 2.3.2

  • Fix Single download file function

Version 2.3.1

  • Fix File ext display in admin and player center issue in small screen
  • Fix Video and audio player close on esc button

Version 2.3.0

  • Add Player for video and sounds
  • Add Image viewer

Version 2.2.1

  • Add Speed up the function to get tags of Google files
  • Add Increase the search display rendering and function

Version 2.2.0

  • Add Plain text search feature
  • Add Tag search filtering
  • Add Date search filtering
  • Add Category search filtering
  • Add Native Google doc viewer and download
  • Add Module search and filter
  • Add Menu view for search and filter
  • Add Native Google doc viewer and download

Version 2.1.1

  • Add In file listing, sub folders are not shown

Version 2.1.0

  • Add Default themes parameters in config
  • Add Possibility to hide themes parameters in category view
  • Add Retractable left panel
  • Add Support sync of sublevel category on drive
  • Add If you erase a drive category it's now erased in Dropfiles

Version 2.0.10

  • Add DropEditor support and full version update
  • Fix Load first gcategory when none selected

Version 2.0.9

  • Fix Update to latest Google API Class with autoload feature
  • Fix Language string comments #
  • Fix Undefined $doc variable and viewer not enabled

Version 2.0.8

  • Fix Navigation problem when site based on a subdirectory
  • Fix Google document id not recognized when it contains "-"
  • Fix Error when number of files is > 1000
  • Fix Single google doc inclusion

Version 2.0.7

  • Add Ability to download files from backend
  • Add Support popup in backend
  • Add Description column show/hide option
  • Fix Reduce right column size
  • Fix Full table responsive support
  • Fix Error in ajax request in some configurations

Version 2.0.6

  • Fix Fix loading permissions parameters error

Version 2.0.5

  • Add HTTPS support for Google drive viewer
  • Add Ability to change date format through COM_DROPFILES_DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT
  • Fix Flexicontent home page home page broken links
  • Fix Update button always shown on low resolution screens
  • Fix Edition error with edit.own permission
  • Fix Increase min-height frontend file

Version 2.0.4

  • Add Better backend mobile support
  • Fix Saving filename doesn't save extension
  • Fix Plugin called even if theme is not the correct one
  • Fix Wrong creation and modification time display
  • Fix Extension not shown on Google drive
  • Fix Joomla core js not loaded on few templates

Version 2.0.3

  • Fix Fix JS error when file was openned in a blank page

Version 2.0.2

  • Fix Fix some downloads problem
  • Fix Remove some extensions not considered in google viewer

Version 2.0.1

  • Fix Timezone error in date/hour of files
  • Fix Margin problem on Joomla 2.5
  • Fix Backend category ordering
  • Fix Enhance K2 support
  • Fix Error saving paramaters on Joomla 2.5

Version 2.0.0

  • Add Google Drive integration
  • Add Apply theme per category
  • Add  Joomla backend ordering with drag'n drop
  • Add  Frontend/backend ordering by type, title, description, size, date, version & hit
  • Add Save ordering for frontend
  • Add Redesigned backend UX
  • Add File update backup (versionning)
  • Add Column display filter
  • Add Joomla ACL integration enhancement to limit access by group and action
  • Add Google drive viewer
  • Add SEO URL respecting the path to files with prefix configuration
  • Add Load category accordion open or closed by default
  • Add Update notification in backend
  • Add Joomla search plugin
  • Add Allow HTML in file description field
  • Add  Load back the current dropfiles category by clicking on editor button
  • Add Set the server max_upload to the server max value by default
  • Add Possibility to change the php download function

Version 1.3.6

  • Fix Theme parameter saving on Joomla 3.3.1

Version 1.3.5

  • Fix JS compatibility with the new jQuery version on Joomla 3.3

Version 1.3.4

  • Fix Dropfiles insertion in Joomla 3.2 frontend

Version 1.3.3

  • Fix Dropfiles insertion in Zoo
  • Fix CSS overflow in category title

Version 1.3.2

  • Fix JS error in theme config
  • Fix Strict standards error
  • Fix Showing only 20 items on the backend
  • Fix Themes parameters errors

Version 1.3.1

  • Add A component parameter to set the max file size
  • Add The php directive upload_max_filesize, post_max_size need to be higher or equals to the joomla parameter
  • Fix Reordering problem under IE10, IE9

Version 1.3.0

  • Add Theme package, GGD theme, Table theme, Tree theme

Version 1.2.0

  • Add Main feature : import files from server. Work only for administrators in the backend component
  • Add Dutch translation
  • Add Show/hide category title parameter for default theme
  • Fix Parent category floating bug on frontend
  • Fix Fatal error with plugin smart search activated
  • Fix Title under sub-categories on ajax navigation
  • Fix Save button can be translated

Version 1.1.0

  • Add Add drag'n drop for categories

Version 1.0.0

  • Add Initial release