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Droppics changelog

Last update : 06 Sep 2024

Version 3.2.42

  • Fix Display gallery in the category blog view

Version 3.2.41

  • Fix Error when running content index
  • Fix Masonry gallery display issue in accordion

Version 3.2.40

  • Fix Style issue in JU translation

Version 3.2.39

  • Add Joomla 5 support
  • Fix PHP warning

Version 3.2.38

  • Fix Adding remote video doesn't work if the video title contain special characters
  • Fix Show the caption of a single image on the front-end in duplication

Version 3.2.37

  • Fix Character encode issue of alt text of single image display
  • Fix Masonry gallery display in Regular Labs tab

Version 3.2.36

  • Add Droppics gallery block for SP Page Builder

Version 3.2.35

  • Fix Select article on Joomla 4
  • Fix Import images from server folder

Version 3.2.34

  • Fix Some warnings in PHP 8

Version 3.2.33

  • Fix Image navigation in lightbox in case gallery with video

Version 3.2.32

  • Fix Upload image error in Joomla 4

Version 3.2.31

  • Add Support webp image
  • Fix Insert gallery using ARK editor

Version 3.2.30

  • Fix Window size of the Dropfiles when inserting files into article
  • Fix Wrong pictures on first load of polaroid gallery

Version 3.2.29

  • Fix Some errors on Joomla 3.10

Version 3.2.28

  • Add Joomla 4 RC compatible

Version 3.2.27

  • Add PHP 8 compatibility
  • Fix Handle unlimited upload size settings

Version 3.2.26

  • Fix Memory error when uploading big image

Version 3.2.25

  • Fix Moving video file to other gallery

Version 3.2.24

  • Fix Conflict between Frontend image management with Joomla template
  • Fix Responsive issue in masonry theme

Version 3.2.23

  • Fix Can't upload png image in some case

Version 3.2.22

  • Add Replace WideImage library with Imagine library to improve the PNG thumbnail quality

Version 3.2.21

  • Fix Translation sharing issue in some browsers

Version 3.2.20

  • Fix Missing swipe function on some theme
  • Fix Image replace adds an undefined category

Version 3.2.19

  • Add Swipe feature on mobile devices on lightbox
  • Fix Bug when image is inserted after a search query
  • Fix Wrong image size displayed when editing image
  • Fix Different display in second load of default layout

Version 3.2.18

  • Fix Duplicate effect in picture editing tool
  • Fix Wrong image path when replace a picture
  • Fix Missing some translation strings

Version 3.2.17

  • Fix Fix Jutranslation url

Version 3.2.16

  • Fix XSS issue in the droppicsfrontend template file
  • Fix BxSlider theme conflict with SP page builder

Version 3.2.15

  • Fix Load wrong image srcset size in some case
  • Fix Responsive issue for single image with caption

Version 3.2.14

  • Fix Wrong responsive image srcSet url
  • Fix JU Updater

Version 3.2.13

  • Fix Some W3C validator errors
  • Fix Cannot open sub gallery in some rare cases
  • Fix Wrong pictures ordering in sub gallery

Version 3.2.12

  • Fix Error when author updating picture on front-end
  • Fix Warning when adding new gallery on frontend on Joomla 3.9
  • Fix Load large size of picture for slideshow gallery

Version 3.2.11

  • Fix Responsive issue for single video
  • Fix Missing back link after click on a sub gallery

Version 3.2.10

  • Add Option to select Medium size to apply watermark
  • Fix Newly created gallery not showing in some rare case
  • Fix Missing language strings for translation

Version 3.2.9

  • Add Improve drag & drop galleries ordering (admin)
  • Add Option to display sub-galleries titles
  • Add Option to activate photo pile effect on sub-galleries navigation
  • Fix Check theme plugins status when updating

Version 3.2.8

  • Fix Responsive images not displayed at their proper size

Version 3.2.7

  • Add New option for single pictures size: Large (1200x1000)
  • Add New global option to define pictures size to display in lightbox
  • Add Change srcset attribute / size in HTML to be fully compatible with AMP (wbAMP)
  • Fix Issues with srcset attribute on large responsive images
  • Fix Droppics editor button not showing in some specific configuration
  • Fix Watermarked images not deleted when performing delete task
  • Fix Responsive pictures not moved when performing move/copy
  • Fix Improve some UI/UX
  • Fix Moving/Copying images with watermarked issues

Version 3.2.6

  • Fix Lightbox still loaded even when disabled
  • Fix Images with caption display properly as in backend editor
  • Fix Error while loading responsive images (remove a / character)
  • Fix Hide sub-galleries text if there is no sub-galleries

Version 3.2.5

  • Fix Auto rotate images to native orientation base on EXIF info
  • Fix Duplicate with watermark and cannot remove watermark in some specific cases
  • Fix Make error messages more clearly when regenerate thumbnails
  • Fix JS error in some specific cases

Version 3.2.4

  • Fix Single image caption issue
  • Fix Regeneration thumbnails stops if an image doest not exist
  • Fix Multiple bxslider on a page can't be loaded

Version 3.2.3

  • Add Possibility to load as single image the Medium size
  • Add Medium size as default size in configuration
  • Fix Change configuration names

Version 3.2.2

  • Fix Column size calculation in Masonry script

Version 3.2.1

  • Fix The srcset property is not active on single image in content

Version 3.2.0

  • Add Responsive optimization with srcset: generates and load dedicated images on mobiles

Version 3.1.3

  • Fix Default image size of the single image does not work
  • Fix CSS conflict between colorbox and bootrap

Version 3.1.2

  • Add After creating a custom sized image, keep the image created size selected
  • Fix Change height album list
  • Fix Change style icon in component settings
  • Fix Change style of Action on click

Version 3.1.1

  • Fix Location of the color picker when editing an image with text
  • Fix Display of the thumbnails in custom slideshow preview
  • Fix The hipshot theme broken

Version 3.1.0

  • Add Admin full UX redesign
  • Add Option to make a large image preview on mouse hover
  • Add Possibility to hide the right column in admin
  • Add Possibility to resize the left column
  • Add Search/filter engine for images in admin
  • Add Copy/Cut/Paste enhancement: display buttons + number of elements in clipboard
  • Add Notification popup: Image upload + ordering, category creation + rename + move

Version 3.0.1

  • Fix fix image in parent null or empty
  • Fix Fix relative Url

Version 3.0.0

  • Add Image information bulk editor: Edit image file names
  • Add Image information bulk editor: Edit image alternative texts
  • Add Image information bulk editor: Edit image titles
  • Add Image information bulk editor: Edit image captions
  • Add Image information bulk editor: Batch copy Image file name to Alternative text
  • Add Image information bulk editor: Batch copy Image file name to image title
  • Add Change the name of the Droppics root folder, under the Joomla folder /images/
  • Fix Image watermark not exit error

Version 2.5.2

  • Fix Enable main language file edition after first language install
  • Fix Add image default fallback category's image
  • Fix Fix Undefined variable: title
  • Fix JS error

Version 2.5.1

  • Add Add builtin translation tool

Version 2.5.0

  • Add Single image replacement
  • Add Regenerate all image sizes on image replacement
  • Add Add a watermark images sizes, as an option
  • Add Add URLs for categories navigation on frontend
  • Add Advanced Slideshow theme default configuration settings: pause on hover
  • Add Advanced Slideshow theme new configuration: content background, opacity, description height and position
  • Fix Selected appropriate image size when re-open the lightbox
  • Fix Clean browser cache for replaced images

Version 2.4.0

  • Add Possibility copy/paste/move images from one gallery to another
  • Add Default parameters for single images in the configuration
  • Add New gallery on top of the list instead of the bottom
  • Fix The menu search engine for single images

Version 2.3.0

  • Add Option to add newly uploaded images on the top of the category in the backend
  • Add Admin interface as masonry with thumbnail generation
  • Add Frontend gallery sorting: sort images in frontend by Name, Upload date, Image name, Random
  • Add Load the latest category opened when click back on the droppics button
  • Fix Add an image into an article in center position

Version 2.2.2

  • Fix No image preivew when editing a image on some site
  • Fix Image parameter not saved when editing on front-end
  • Fix Remove slash character

Version 2.2.1

  • Fix Align button doesn't work on front-end
  • Fix UX icon not displayed on front-end
  • Fix Duplication of single image parameters on front-end

Version 2.2.0

  • Add Single image management enhancement: possibility to add predefined image sizes
  • Add Define a default config per theme in global options and possibility to hide it in category parameters
  • Add Default configuration in case of single image insertion (define size, margin...)
  • Add Frontend image management interface through a dedicated menu and template
  • Fix Insert single video into article as lightbox, in new tab, with embed code

Version 2.1.1

  • Fix https issue on single image edition and video insertion
  • Fix Video not stop when navigate to next slide

Version 2.1.0

  • Add Possibility to add a remote video (Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion)
  • Add Possibility to add a custom link on thumbnail in galleries
  • Add Possibility to display captions on single image
  • Add Redesign admin interface and installer
  • Fix When you add custom text on a custom slider (latest theme), the text becomes grey on save

Version 2.0.13

  • Add add juupdater

Version 2.0.12

  • Add Include all gallery themes into Droppics component

Version 2.0.11

  • Fix Delete a category tree with multiple levels

Version 2.0.10

  • Fix Categories disappear after update to Joomla 3.4.7

Version 2.0.9

  • Fix Improve masonry theme ajax loading
  • Fix Link to single image generation improvement

Version 2.0.7

  • Fix Own jquery loaded even with Joomla 3.3
  • Fix Clear div inserted between images
  • Fix Default cropping type to none

Version 2.0.5 to 2.0.6

  • Add On upload cropping feature
  • Add Portuguese language
  • Add Enhance vertical category pictures positioning

Version 2.0.4

  • Fix Navigation with infinite scroll
  • Fix Add css for making single image more responsive
  • Fix Infinitescroll not correctly loading new images when two galleries are in the same article
  • Fix Remove outline for colorbox
  • Fix Translation strings fix
  • Fix Back link not shown when parent categories has no pictures

Version 2.0.3

  • Add Caption on single image edition
  • Add Infinite scrolling
  • Add Custom image file name for SEO purpose
  • Fix Link on article broken
  • Fix Lighbox opening where several image are added

Version 2.0.2

  • Fix Default http::// is missing on custom link
  • Fix Update problem from 2.x version

Version 2.0.1

  • Fix Lightbox insertion problem when multi images are added
  • Fix Update problem from 1.x version
  • Fix Firefox not taking back images (JS bug)
  • Fix Change name of the effects

Version 2.0.0

  • Add Custom images generation
  • Add Take back the image/gallery selected clicking on Droppics button
  • Add Add multi level galleries
  • Add Custom slideshow new theme
  • Add Advanced effects on image (included in theme pack)
  • Add Single image management with links on menu/article/custom/lightbox, margin
  • Add Multi select images for deleting (using control keyboard)
  • Add Transition effects on slideshow
  • Add Joomla ACL permission applied for Droppics administrators

Version 1.2.9

  • Add Theme parameters per image on masonry theme
  • Fix Remove unused jquery including
  • Fix Theme installation on Joomla 3.2
  • Fix Remove jquery on plugins according to the parameters

Version 1.2.8

  • Fix Image resizing

Version 1.2.7

  • Fix Editor button not showing under Joomla 3.2
  • Fix Rename title/description not working under Joomla 3.2
  • Fix Remove Strict standards errors
  • Fix Improvement: Content parsing
  • Add Polaroid remove rotation

Version 1.2.6

  • Fix Image loaded bug on IE10
  • Fix Border color on masonry
  • Add Title to lightbox
  • Fix mootools conflict in some cases
  • Add Align carousel center option
  • Add Regenerate picture with ajax for slow servers
  • Add Choose image compression

Version 1.1.0

  • Add Themes support

Version 1.0.0

  • Add Initial release