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How to connect the WordPress media library with Linode


Connecting the WordPress Media Library with Linode hasn't ever been this easy as it is now with the WP Media Folder integration!

Linode is a popular Hosting service that offers virtual machines, being used worldwide by important companies and now we can use it too on our site with this easy integration tool that WP Media Folder offers.

In this post, we will see how easy is to store our images in Linode and serve them on our site!

Linode images inside your WordPress Media Library

First of all, we will need to verify that we have installed the last version of WP Media Folder and the WP Media Folder Add-on(as well as a Linode account with a plan).

Now that we have everything we need, go to your site wp-admin > Settings > WP Media Folder > Offload Media, on this page you will be able to see the fields to enter the Linode connection info.

We will need to select Linode, in order to do this, click the pencil icon after the Select Cloud Provider title.

We will have all the Cloud Providers options, click on Linode and then, save settings.

Now that we have selected the Cloud Provider as Linode, go to the Linode Dashboard, and on the left panel, select Object Cache.

Now that we are here, go to Access Key and then click on Create Access Key.

this will open a right panel where we can add a label and limit the access if needed, set your label, the permission and finally, click on Create Access Key.

This will show you the Access Key and Secret Key, copy and paste them into the fields that we saw before under the wp-admin > Settings > WP Media Folder > Offload Media.

We can type the keys that we just created and, finally, set all the options that we want to take effect, in this case, we are going to select:

Copy to Linode: This will send a copy of the image uploaded directly to Linode.

Remove after upload: This option will remove the image from the current server(to completely offload the image).

Attachment label: This will add a small label to your images so you can identify that those are hosted on Linode.

Finally, select the Bucket where the images are going to be uploaded by clicking on Bucket Settings and Selection.

A pop-up will appear with the options to create and also select an already created bucket.

The name of the bucket will be shown in the gray box so you know that it is fully connected.

And now Linode is fully set on our WordPress site! As easy as copying and pasting, as you can see ;)

Synchronize and use Linode images on your WordPress site

Now that we have enabled and connected Linode into our WordPress Media Library, we can start offloading our images, for this, go to the Settings > WP Media Folder > Cloud > Offload Media, and click on Synchronize Media, all your existing media will be uploaded to Linode.

The bar will start loading so you can follow the image offload process without having to do anything else!

Depending on the amount of images, it could take some time but when it is completely done, depending on the options you selected in the Linode setup, all the images will be only on Linode!

And you will be able to see the changing from this:

To this:

All the uploaded images will appear with that small label(if you select it in the plugin settings) letting you know that these are already uploaded to your Linode bucket, you will be able to see them on Linode if you go and look for them manually.

As you can see, images hosted externally and all we did was clicking on Synchronize, the best part it? All the future images will be automatically offloaded without having to click anything else thanks to the Copy to Linode option we did select before.

But now that we have uploaded all our images, can we still use them? Of course we can! You can go to any page or post and the images will remain there, or also add new attachments directly from Linode!

As you can see in this example from the Gutenberg Editor:

We have added a gallery with the images shown before and after publishing if we try to check the image URL, we are going to be able to see the Linode bucket!

Now we have our images on Linode and published them on our site without any issues! They will look and work exactly the same, awesome! Isn't it?

Start offloading your Media Library with this awesome plugin

This is just one of the awesome features that WP Media Folder offer, we can not just offload the media using Linode but also other Cloud Services like Digital Ocean, AWS, Google Drive, OneDrive, and Dropbox! As well as create and manage awesome galleries and create them directly from Google Photos too!

What are you waiting for? Go here and get your own copy to start offloading your media!

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