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  Wednesday, January 13, 2021
  10 Replies
  1.7K Visits

Would be great to have a built in contact form for users to send emails to an email address contact. An option to send a message to the location email address using the site's email function behind the scenes would be great. At the moment the option to use the mailto: function leaves an email address to be viewed by anyone. I know there is the possibility to integrate with compatible contact form extensions, but for users who don't want to do that, or don't have the skills, an integrated form would be a great addition to this great extension. Add in the site's antispam recapctha and the ability to adjust the email template.
thanks Peter.
3 years ago

Thanks for adding your feature request here.

Would be great to have a built in contact form for users to send emails to an email address contact. An option to send a message to the location email address using the site's email function behind the scenes would be great. At the moment the option to use the mailto: function leaves an email address to be viewed by anyone. I know there is the possibility to integrate with compatible contact form extensions, but for users who don't want to do that, or don't have the skills, an integrated form would be a great addition to this great extension. Add in the site's antispam recapctha and the ability to adjust the email template.

This would be helpful in a few cases like yours. However, we need to take a deeper look at this.

Thanks a lot!
3 years ago
Hello - Is this something that will be possible to include? thanks Pete
3 years ago

generally lot of my client are doing this thing.we do have contact field which has either email/url/joomla of client has created contact form in that and put that link here.this can be any extension created and you can properly use spam protection as well in it as lot of people use extension for this.
3 years ago
Hi, could you point me to some instructions to set up my contact button to redirect to a form please? so it does not open a new email that shows the email address and makes it harvestable?


3 years ago
I would be interested too as see the same issue with emails addresses open to abuse. This is the only part of the extension I cannot get working how I want - everything else is near perfect.

If anyone has linked this to Joomla built-in contact forms or RS Forms, would be interested in knowing how it was done.

thanks Pete
3 years ago
Hi pete
create a ticket.install rsform.let me see what i can do in it.but just to make sure one contact mean one rsform.if you want that dynamic you need to contact to rsform pro team.
3 years ago
Thank you for the offer. I'll speak with RS FOrm team as I need this to be dynamic. Having a form for each location wouldn't work, so would need to be one form and the delivery address for the form to be dynamically updated. Hopefully they can offer some advice.
3 years ago
Just tell them if using request url i pass dynamic data like email address,and other data will they send mail to that email address?
i will generate url with token at my end to protect from csrf protection.
3 years ago
Hello Alax,

I'm getting somewhere with this. RSForms support suggests using a hidden field in a form, which captures the mymapslocation location's email address, and updates the recipient in the backend before sending. I get the process, however, what I don't fully understand, and RSForms support cannot advise on, is pass the email address to the hidden field. RSForms offer dynamic fields updates via URL, which is easy to use, but I need to understand how to capture the email.

If you look at the URL example below, this is how I pass to RSForms. I need to understand what the "value" would be to pick up the email address from mymapslocation.[myhiddenfieldname]=value

Alternatively, RSForms has the option to use PHP code to capture the value of the hidden field from the session.

Hopefully this makes sense!

thanks Pete.

p.s. rsform support response:

The redirect itself would be something done from your extension and if you redirect to your RSForm!Pro form using the URL syntax (something specific to RSForm!Pro) this will eventually prefill that field. Basically this is a link where your form is published + URL parameters that will return data in your form. Notice this is explained here:

The hidden field will automatically capture the data if found in the URL while you're using such syntax.

The redirect itself however will have to be specified in a dynamic manner (so it would include the email address); this being something done in your map extension (unrelated to RSForm!Pro).

p.p.s. this is a link to the RSForms support page for this.
3 years ago
I'll move this discussion to a support ticket. thanks
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