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  Sunday, April 04, 2021
  2 Replies
  1.1K Visits

Would be good to have the option to create custom fields for each location. These could be URL's, text, lists, check boxes, etc.. These fields can be completed from the frontend when the location is submitted and then shown on the location page.

thanks Pete
3 years ago

Thanks for contacting us here about this extension.

Would be good to have the option to create custom fields for each location. These could be URL's, text, lists, check boxes, etc.. These fields can be completed from the frontend when the location is submitted and then shown on the location page.

You can create new custom fields by navigating to Fields on the left panel at Dashboard.
Then you will see them while creating a new location.

Thanks a lot!
3 years ago
Sorry, I need my eyes testing for missing that!
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