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  Monday, March 18, 2019
  2 Replies
  4.8K Visits
I was wondering if its possible to add the Item rating in the middle of an article or any position inside the article. As far as I understand at the moment it is possible to place it before or after an article. It will be great if the user has the flexibility to place the review/rating anywhere in the article, because before or after the article are not always best positions. I think this can be done with a module, because there are many extensions which allow to place module anywhere inside an article. Or maybe with extra field etc.
5 years ago

Thanks for adding your feature request here.
Yes, we now have 4 positions only. We’ll keep that in mind for a future release!

5 years ago
@ nikolay100
Using module its not possible to find the article id in category view.we are based on plugin of joomla so that it will give id of joomla article from context id.if we use module there we cannot find dynamic the id of article when we are in category view.

You can go to template override of article and there find this code
<?php echo $this->item->event->afterDisplayContent; ?>
if you put this code before extra field or anywhere to do this task.
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