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  Thursday, May 16, 2024
  1 Replies
  77 Visits
I wish to use this to sync tool with OneDrive Business and my Joomla website.
Are the synced files being stored on OneDrive or on the website server?
I want to avoid having files on the website server.
Thanks for clarifying
4 months ago

Thanks for contacting us here about this extension.

I wish to use this to sync tool with OneDrive Business and my Joomla website.
Are the synced files being stored on OneDrive or on the website server?
I want to avoid having files on the website server.

Certainly, the files will be stored on a Cloud server, specifically OneDrive Business in this case.
On your server, we only store the information related to the files.
If you upload files from the Dropfiles dashboard, they will be initially stored on the server and
subsequently removed from your server once the synchronization to the cloud server is completed.

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