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  Friday, November 04, 2022
  7 Replies
  259 Visits
In the current form the component is really hard to make GDPR compliant. There are two issues:
1) Cookies are being set by Bing, Google Maps etc (and the joomla cookie plugins i've tested dont seem to block them)
2) Connections are being made to third party servers (CDN like unpkg, Tile Servers, AutoComplete requests etc) and thus the IP-Address is beeing transmitted. Some judges in Germany consider it a violation of privacy.

It would be really great if the map could be 2-Click-Protected, for example like this:
You could set a custom text and links to GDPR Statements of Google, Bing, Mapbox or any custom URLs and the user could decide if he is ok with it or not.
A german competitor product to yours has implemented this too.
This would solve the privacy problem
1 year ago
Oh and I am aware that switching to OSM alleviates at least the first part of the problem. But the default OSMaps quality is worse than the other services, and the search via OSM is nearly unusable for my clients.
1 year ago

Thanks for adding your feature request here.

In the current form the component is really hard to make GDPR compliant. There are two issues:
1) Cookies are being set by Bing, Google Maps etc (and the joomla cookie plugins i've tested dont seem to block them)
2) Connections are being made to third party servers (CDN like unpkg, Tile Servers, AutoComplete requests etc) and thus the IP-Address is beeing transmitted. Some judges in Germany consider it a violation of privacy.

It would be really great if the map could be 2-Click-Protected, for example like this:
You could set a custom text and links to GDPR Statements of Google, Bing, Mapbox or any custom URLs and the user could decide if he is ok with it or not.
A german competitor product to yours has implemented this too.
This would solve the privacy problem

This feature is not implemented yet, but I'll add it to our feature request list and keep that in mind for a future release.

Thanks a lot!
Best Regards,
1 year ago
Hi Pixelbar,
This feature look interesting.I am working on newer version and will check this feature.
DO you know any site where we can test GDPR compliance.
Also create a ticket and i will check this feature.
1 year ago
Hi Alax,
sorry, i don't know of any sites to test gdpr compliance. I am not sure an automated(?) service like this would be even possible.
It's just from my understanding of the rules that you need consent to set cookies and to make connections to 3rd party servers – something I simply evaluate through the browsers devtools.
1 year ago
please create ticket in support providing access to your site with DSGVO extension so i can check and update you on this.
1 year ago
Hi, I've got the same problem with cookies and GDPR, in Italy and all Europe the situation is the same, is there any news about new solutions?
1 year ago
please create ticket in support providing access to your site with DSGVO extension so i can check and update you on this.
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