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  Tuesday, August 29, 2017
  3 Replies
  5.5K Visits

I'm french so please excuse the faults in this post.

When i bought Linky Map, I haven't see that the only available region was those who are defined in the ISO 3166-2.

It's my fault and I don't reproach anything about this limit!

Anyway, I've some questions:

I don't understand how the graphical file corresponding to a region or land is linked with his ISO code.
What's the format of the graphical file? GIF? JPG? PNG? SVG? Other?
Do U plan to integrate regions that aren't defining in the ISO 3166-2? Personnaly, I need to work with french commune. I have SHAPE FILES for the graphical DATA and I can use a software (FME) to change the format's file. If U want, I can even give U the data I need, so U can use them for other user.

Thanks a lot for your answer.

7 years ago
It seems that the link beetween ISO 3166-2 and graphicals files is the use of google geocharts.
The graphical files are in SVG or in VML.

A metropolitan area code is possible but US codes only seems to be supporting.

Do U know if google plans to support french code?
And the same question: do U plan to use other graphical files?


7 years ago

Thanks for contacting us here about this extension.
Do U know if google plans to support french code?

I'm not sure about when will Google update, but you can use this code at this time.
do U plan to use other graphical files?

Sorry, we dont have any plan in the near future because we're using Google Geochart API.

If you need support about technical request please drop us a ticket (menu Support > Ticket support).
Our developer in charge will help you.

Thanks a lot!
7 years ago
hi Lorran
if you can click on custom vector map there we have latest french regions available.
for rest please send us ticket support so we can take a look at issues.
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