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DropEditor: Image, File & Table Manager

1. Droppics - image manager

Droppics is a Joomla component used to manage image and galleries, more information available here:


A light version of the extension is integrated in the editor, in case you purchase the full version the tool will be upgraded with gallery management, themes...




The Droppics extension will make image upload and insertion easy. Click on the select button to upload single or multiple images. Click on an uploaded image to edit options and on the green button to insert the image in your content




You can choose to add thumbnails or original size of the picture.

A link manager is also available to make quick links to custom URL, menu or article.



Image added in content as thumbnail:



Note that in Droppics you have an image importer to import existing images, you can enable it from the Droppics component parameter.



You can select a server folder then click on the import button.

2. Dropfiles - files manager

Dropfiles is a Joomla component used to manage files and categorize them, more information is available here:


A light version of the extension is integrated into the editor, in case you purchase the full version the tool will be upgraded with file category management, themes...




In the Dropfiles lightbox you’ll be able to upload files, edit file title and description and insert the file in your editor.




File in the content on frontend.




3. Droptables – tables manager

Droptables is a Joomla table manager that uses spreadsheet interface from your editor, more information available here:
If you purchase a version the tool will be available in your editor.


